1940 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 38 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 93

1.11311 A. Hammer

V. Ham son

E. I Janson

l\1. Han son I. Hanson

L. Hanson F. Hardin

K. Harding R. Harland M. Harman

M. Hartin

J. Harvey A. Hastings

P. Hearn l\1. Heath

J). Hecomovich V. Hcicn M.A. Heine

E. Heist

M. Hendri ckson

C. Herman

\V. Hershey

C. Hickm an


C. Hill

11. Hillman

G. Hogaboam


E. Hopkins

R. Hopkins

H. Howard

J. Howard

W. Hudson


C. Humphrey

D. Hungerford

M. Hunt

J. Hutchinson

J.E. H utchinson R. Ingraham

V.N. James

V. James

R. Janssen

B. J o J effers

B.]. J ennings

R. J ensen



Hug hes


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