1939 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 37 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 99

Harriette Suing

Spokane Delle Delle Delfd C harles Sutton Wa1tsburq Washmqt r.

Sogme Nu Arthur Swan Boose Alpha Tau Omeqa Dean Talboy Boose: Boose Juntor Colleqe Willis Sweet H~ll Warren Tegan

Filer Soame Alpha Epo.olon Hal T hatcher Boose L.D S. lnshlute Anne T homaa Malad City; Ut<1h State Agricul· lura! Colleqe; Graceland Colleqe Hays Hall Earl Thomas MaladCoty Bet~ Theta Pi Lois Thoma• Malad City; Utah State Agricultural College, Graceland College Hays Hall Phyllis Thomas Ashton Pi Beta Phi Keith Thompson

Wallace Sigma Nu Mary Elizabeth Thompaon Kendrick; Whitman College Forney Hall Roman Thune

Spokane, Washongton Pho Gamma Delta Isabel T igert Soda Spnna" Forney Hall Charles Tiller Post Falls Lindley Hr.ll W illian> Tomlinson Blackfoot Sigma Alpha EIJI'olon Harmon Toone

Grace; Utah St<1te Agncullural Colleqe L.D.S. lnshtute Phlllla Torrance Spokane, Wftshtnqtr.n

DAL JORDAN Wayne Toyer Rupert


Jamea T rail Eagle; Colleqo ol Idaho Delta Chi Otto Tronowak y Glendale, C..ltfornlft, TemJOlo U.; Fresno State College·

U ISB. Kappo Stgm~

Jean Tueller Ogden. Utfth, Weber Colloqo Hays Hall

Irie Tunney

St Maroee Hay. Hall

Edward Turner

Vlrvlnla Tweedy C..ldwell Forney Hall M ojella Tyra


Elvin Tayaom Rockland L.D.S. ln•tltute Conrad Underdahl Moscow lvl' Un ternehrer Bonners Forry

Hays Hall

Tall, handsome? Fiji ... Dol's good looks and smooth ways os advertising manager of the Argonauf skyrocketed adver!ising profits on the "shee1." Broke up an old tradition this year and gives various coeds a break now and then.

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