1931 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 29 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 74

n.S.( (,;d.) Roswcll Hit</• St·luml Lf?td$ton State Normal S cJ,,nJI Lambda Chi Al1>ha.




l ..ttu·i~ am/ Clarl.· 1/igla School, 8 Jwluwt.lltJrr1ord Unh~rsity

Lewiston Statf> lVormof Sehoul

Delta Gamma: Cl~e C lub: Tre ble Clef; E ngli•b Cluh; T ennio; Ba okelball.

KHPIU\ Sil(rtU.

II •RROLO BRO \\ ' · O.S. ( F'O<.) Port TownJend~ lr'a.JhinflJon. f/ig}t

\1 •RY BROS "'"· B. \ , lfo<rooo /liP, &hool Oelta Caruma; Hi~l1t1U ll onor~. 1-2-3: ..: n s lieb Club: Ar~ontwr, Oramatic.~S .Editor 3; DramntiC8.

WA>' Nt:

DunK>:, D.S.( KE. )





M Ali i v. CHOII HLL, Jl.S. ( Hum e .,;,.,) Amstrrdmu 1/ij/)t School

lle ta Cbi ; ltu erfraternil) Council.

Cout)l"""'- ll.'i. ( ll ome Ec.} Am..,.iron Falls /liP, &hool

G11"t Co~cu. ll.S.( B us.) R ip.bv IIi,U. &hool Ri~L• Cl>il<>llt'· R<>•burJl Ut~it-t>r•itv of /(/aho. outh~rn


lmnitute: Al1)ha lfiah ll o non. 2.

Po[!~ 70

DAu•u. Boc KwaTz. B. S. Tu'i, ,..all s Iii p.l' Sclwol Albio11 S tmr Normal S('/wol Pi Heta l'lli ; \\' .A.A.; ll o111e Et·o n omics C luh. IIKL< 11 JlU'I<I-lR. O. S. ( F~.E. ) J\'o11u IIi ,U. &hool

LaO'i'EL C \"-PR P.t.r.• L L.D •

Unitv:'r6it.Y o/ltlfllw, Sout/t('t'll 11nwch

(>tH RI. R

ll.S.( I•:d. ) Elk Rhw llil(l. Srlwul

l•'nANC"S Jlc00\1,


KnJl JlU


Boiu II i/ih St:hool S ig ma Chi; C huirmun Junior Week . 3; Cia ~!' Pre;oic'le nt , 2; Oronullif•8, 2-3; T en· nis. 2; Gem of thtt A1uuntflins, 1-2; Executive Bo~trd , 2; Arl{onaUI Staff. 3; lnterfraternit) Gount'il. 3; Blue K ey: Scabbard and lllodt; Glee Club, J.2; .En~lisb Club; lli•h H onor&. 1: Hi, b est H onors. 2.J. \I ECV" coo,Kon. U.S.( For.) B ois,. lli,U. &hool Beta Chi; \l ana~ertl• C lub; A~iated Foresters; Juninr T r,.,·L. .'1 a n ager.

c•.•,..,, n.S. (A gr.)

II AIIII\ l~mmt>ll 1/i~ll

School Tnu Kui'IJa Epsilon; J-\ l1)h" Zeut: Ag Club. Fo.o• •

CoRK ER \ ' ,

B .S. ( P re· \l eol .)

l ""u.h and Clork 1/ill)r S~hool. Spokan~


Fl~ o a

Phio Spur: Pre- \l •d Clu b:

of lhl" \lounlain6: ArtlOIIaUI.


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