1931 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 29 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 41

Associated Students President Charles Graybill


stud ent enrolled in the University of Ida ho becom e members of the A. . . L u pon pa yment of the regular a ssociation fee when they register. This make the m a pa rt of the student government of the school. The field of the Associated tud enls includes every extra-curricular activity in which tudents participate. In stud ent administration there is the executive board with legislative powers over athleti c , dramatics, forensics and publications. In each o f these divisions there are po itions of administration and participation which de finitely are a part of the A.S. .L Ln the broadest sense of the word, however, the activities of the Associated Students arc not to be confined to this page. The whole book of which this is a part d eals with the activities of the Associated Students of th e University of Idaho.

Executive Boctrd in


P"ge 37

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