1931 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 29 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 378

Acknowledgment T he 1931 Gem is the result of the plcndid cooper ation of numbers of people. Among those whom we wi h to thank particularly are included the following: Members of the editorial and m anageri al staffs for their willingnc s and desire to cooper ate. Ralph W. York and other member of y m -York Company for their many hours of work to prod uce an o ut tanding publication. Walter M . Irvine of The Wes tern E ngraving Compan y for inva luable assistance in planning art work and engravings. C harles Dimond for his efforts in securing excellent photographs and action pictures. Sterner 's Studio and Miklos' S tudio for their prompt ser vice on individual photographs. Gem advertisers for their interest in Lhc University of Idaho. WAYNE F. B LAIR, Editor. K EN ET H W. O' LEARY, Manager.

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