1931 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 29 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 228

Sigma Tau Medal

R obert M cR ae

R obert Mc R ae, M cCall, was last yea r's recipien t of the igm a T au cholarship M edal, w hich is awarded to the ophomore who, in his freshm a n year, receives t he highest grades in t he College of E ngineerin g or in the School of M ines. McRae, enrolled in th e Ia tlcr school, attained an avera ge for his firs t year o f 5.766. Sigm a T au, donor of the award , is a n a tiona l engineering honor ary, and has d one m uch lo promot e sc holarship among t he engineerin g s t udents on the cam p us. Carl von E n de was the wi nn er of the m ed al offered b y t he organizat io n two ) ca r ago.

Alpha Zeta Award T he Alpha Zeta Award , w hich is ext ended to t he st u den t who a ttains the highest grades in t he College of Agricultu re d uri ng hi fr c hm an year , was gr an t ed to Leslie Lawton, who m aintained an average of 5.594 during hi s fi rst year. Lawton is from Wend ell, where he achieved a high scholas ti c record in t he local high school. The organi zation of Alpha Zeta , donor of the awa rd , is an honora r y fraternity whose p urpose is t o p romot e scholarship a mong st udents m aj oring in agriculture.

Xi Sigma Pi Tablet E ach year i Sigm a P i, n ationa l honorar) fra tcr ni ty, whose aim is to secure a standa rd of cholar ship in forest ry education , engr aves on a bronze table t in the Administ r ation Building the na mes of the fo ur forestry st uden t s with highe t schola lie a verages in the differen t classes. Out t and ing in grad e Ia t year wa s George J emison, j unior, who a llained a perfect average of 6.000. T he nam es of o ther t udents placed on t he tablet include C harles Well ner, freshma n, 5.095; St ewart Buc ha nan, a soph omore, 5.139; an d Arthur Buckin gham , seni or, 5.154.

George J emison

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