1931 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 29 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 216

Rifle S cores m ad e this year were hig her th a n th e scores for the two previous season s. Only fo ur memb ers of this year's t eam had had a ny experience on rifle t eams. Out of ninet een intercollegia t e mat ches fir ed, t he wome n won ix, lost t en , an d t ied one. M a t che were won from t he Univer it y of ~ ichita, Vl ichigan St at e College, U n i versit y of Illinois, ~orth western , U ni ver i ty o f Nevada, and D eP auw Universi ty. \Vomen on the t eam this year were J une D avidso n, E l a Eisinger , Zoa Sh aw, D oroth y P erkins, Veron a Wol ff, Ma rio n Fr) , E ther \ Toulton , Clara Gj elde, Ruth K ehrer, F r ances W heeler, Ora Spoor, Helen Pe terson, Aretha H ar vey, E lma .\ifinear, Lillia n H ej tmanek, Mary Simo nto n, a nd Ca therine R eardon . Zoa Shaw is mana ger, and Lieutenan t J. W. Shceh ) is coach.


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T he wimming meet opened March 30. Di plays of diving, various st rokes and fo r m were the or der of the d a y. I n t ra mura l learn were organized a mo ng the variou women 's grou p houses for the p urpo e o f arou ing friendly rivalry. The in ter -class tournament was well attended and a great dea l of in terest was shown on t he pa rt of aJJ en t rants. Each woman wa all owed to e nter three d ivisions, excluding th ose of her class. great deal of t alen t was shown. There a rc so me in all t he classes who arc both excellent di vers and swimmers. Ma n y developed a perfectio n of stroke an d gracef ul movem ent. D oroth y D ewey is man ager for swimming.


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