1931 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 29 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 215

Horseshoes T his year's horseshoe tournament occasioned more than the us ual amount of interes t. The inter-class games were done away with and th e intramura l game u ed instead. The ri va lr ) between the t eam s wa marked, but fricnd l). Forney Hall won the cup b y defea ting all other groups. Pi B eta Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta , a nd Kell,.,.r, Uos~nau D elta D elta D elta ti ed with Forney H all for the finals. Marie R osenau and Ruth K ehrer made up the winning team. The contest s thi s year were close and th e turn-out good. Each tea m was enth usiastic and th e girl s tri ed hard for points. Ldaho women are quite as proficient in " barnyard golf" a s t he men. Ruth Gar ver i manager for the s port. Points are awarded for entrance and winning t eams receive more points in W. . A.

Basketball Em mrll, Crt>l'll, s;,,p$011, JVor~ll, Ne:d, Arm:ltrOII/(

The inter-class c hampionship in basketball we nt to the fres hme n thi s year. They won three games. Th e sophomores held second pla ce with two wi n . The season started December 10, a nd closed with a free -throw tournament on M arch 8. Dorothy Green was hig h corer, with twen t y-one ba sket s out of twenty-fi ve t hrows. The women who m ade up the freshma n team \\ere Doris orell , cap tain ; Louise leal, Dorothy Green, E loise Emmett, .\1argaret Simpson, and Doris Arm trong. A picked all-star t eam was chosen from al l th<' girls who played. T hese were Doris orell, Louise M ullin er, Eloise Emmett, Rhoda Swayne, Florence Rud ger, and Mildred Richardson. F lorence Rudger is manager for this sport.

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