1929 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 27 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 409

F.ncll'fl 1923

Named in llonor of A/my 1•:. Fomt•y Wife of tile First President of tile Universit.v

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Mrs. Emily S. Oo>ier SEKIORS

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l.au~a 1\l nn~ing

llelen \' aupdl Adaline Ames \'irginin \'nnt·c Alt:o Tuppt•r

Edith Sanborn \'irginia Cornell Hat.el Mae Ouse 1\larian W orme!l ~:mma Nelson Mari:on Shy

Ellen Eklund \ 'erla Chase Avis Nelson Hester R eynolds Am\' Reeves Eu~i<·e Oukes Fna Colvin

1\largaret Scholer Ava Sullivan Edna Stoner Georgia H all Lorraine Christenson 1\lildrcd C la yville


Kathleen (;arncttc ~l:t rrelb \\'int ers Ruth (;ray Olive Newman Ruh y !Iauer

L ucile Glindeman Dorothv Shears Hazel Vo ll 1\.farian McComb j er1ldyne Sherfey W illabelle Ha tch l.illi a 1\1. Harbke Musetta Christopher He"riette Paroz Margaret Fowler Helene H ilfiker

l.utic 1\lae 1\litchell Thelma Pearce Prudence Rab)

Anne 1\brtinson Helen \\' is"all Dorothy P~rkins

l'ortia (;Iindeman Dorothy Bosshardt Flore nce Redmond Oais) 1\loore Heu!ah Simmon~ 1\lilclred Creswell

KatherinP Hart Emma 1\ lae Ever<'St Flore nce Pr~tt Goldie W illiams Iris Colvin Dorothy :O.IcFarlanrl

l lan nah lht·klund Helen ll cimsoth llelen D:olton Katherine ll vrd l\l illir ent Kl i'nc


\\' ilma Rauch :O.hrgaret Foss 1\largaret Ket>gan

Ethel llaecker Esther Callender I late! Ownbe)


Alice R,.,, H elen Gecldes 1\liriam Hatch 1\lable Patchen Helen Stetler Lucy Lucich

Page 405

El it:~beth Elliot

1-.athleen lla mn<·her Anne Jeanne Tucker Grace R aphael l rmn Davis

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