1929 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 27 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 347

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P re- Legal Asso<:iation OJ7FICERS

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T he Pre-Legal Association was first formed in 192 5. It is com p<Jscd of u ndcr-grad ua tc students who have signified thcir intentions of studying law. The objects of the association arc: w stimulate fellowship among those intending to study law; to make a s tud y of parliamcn tar y procetlu re; to acquaint its members with the requirements, standards and activi tics of the legal profession; and to better fit its members for the study of law. Much va lua ble ex perience is gained through acting as jurymen and diverse other ca pacities during practice trials held hy the law stud ents. The association works in harmony with the Bench and Bar. law school <Jrganization, t o bring about :1 closer connection between pre-legal nnd law students. ~ I EMIIF.RS

ll arr} t\ ngney Robert Brown W illiam \ . Babcock \ 'eith Bosshardt Edward Cross l .ioncl T. Campbell Kenneth J ensen Stanton l lale Robert E. .\l itchcll Frank Smuin Jack Lee

J ack Sheehan Robert \'oshcll Stanler Dolan Paul G. Dolan J ohn \'. Pohlman J oseph . Pearson Gerald \\'alsh J ack McQuade R alph Olmstead Robert St. Clair

Page 3+3

.\ rthur D. Simm Charles ll crndon Paris ~lartin J ake D:111hert Robert T apper \\'alter Gillespie William ll awkins Burdette Belknap Fred Whi te H enry llopewell Oominic ~ l iranda

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