1929 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 27 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 314

Albertson J>eavey

F.wing ~elson

Waldrop Galloway

Slaughter Reading

Peterson Huber

Delta Sign1a Rho National Honorar)' Forensic Frntemit.'' Founded at Clzicago April 13, 1()0(i Tdalzo Chapter Installed A-lay, 1927

OFFICERS Secoud Semester

Fil路st Seme.rter ILU. I' H P ETE RSON M A RJO RH: AI.IIF.RTSON 1\ I AR\' G AI. t.OWJ\\'

President f/ice-Presidmt Secretary-Treasurer


j OHN EwtNG M ARl' GAI.I.O\Vi\1'


Dean Robert ~!. Davis :\1 EMBER~ R alph Peterson :\la rjoric Alhcrtson George ll uhcr

\\'alter Slaughter

Alvin Reading :\Iaurice :\'els~n

:\l ary Gallowa1路 :\lie~ Waldrop 路

Arthur Peaver

John Ewing~

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