1928 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 26 - University of Idaho Yearbook

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EDITH L ENNOX, B.A. Moscow High School

CLARENCE EMMETT } ENKS, B.A. Kamiah High School Tau Mem Aleph; Delta Sigma; Ar!lonaut Staff, 2, 3.

GERALD MILTON GEHRKE, B.S.(Ag:r.) Moscow High School

ELIZABETH PouLTON, B.S.( Bus.) Burley High School

Sigma Chi: Ag Club· "I" Club; T rack, 2, 3, 4; Cros.' Country, 3.

Forney Hall : Phi Chi Theta.

C I.ARENCE }AMES MEAKIN, B.S.(Ed.) Ferdinand Hig/1 School Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Kappa Delta P1; Highest Honors, 3.

} EAN COLLETTE, B.A. Rurley High School Omega Alpha ; E n gl ish Club, President, 4; Delta Sigma Rho, 2, 3, 4, Secretary-Treasurer 2, 3; Pan-Hellenic Cot: ncil: VicePresident Mortar Board; VicePresident Y.W.C.A, 1; V icePresident A.S.W., 4; Curtain. 4: Spur, 2: Dramatics, 2, 3, 4; Debate, I, 2: Blue Bud:et Staff, 3.

WILBUR FREDERIC, B.S. Coeur· d'Alene Hig/1 Sc/wol

EtnERT A. Sn:J.J.MON, LL.B. Nezperce High School Phi Gamma Deltn; P hi Alpha Delta, C lerk, 3; Blue Key; Bench and Bar, Treasurer, 2: C lass President, 3; Baseball, I ; Basketball, I.

}AMES K. A I.I.EN, H.S.(Ed .) Rosalia High Sc/wol, Washington Beta Theta Pi: English Clu b: Glee Club, I, 2, 3, 4; Manager, 4: Dramatics; Presid~nt InterChurch Student Council; Interlratcrnity Council.

H ELEN H AMMO H uNTER, B.S.(H.Ec.) Moscow High School Lewiston Stale Normal Phi Upsilon Omicron; Hom~ Economics Club, Secretary, 3, and President, 4: Highest Honor., 1, 2, 3, 4.

VJRGTNIA LucrLJ.E GRANT, B.A. Flathead High School, Kalispell, Montana Daleth T eth Gimel; the English Club; Theta Sigma; Glee Club ; Argonaut Staff, 2, 8, 4; C'o-ed Staff, 2, 3, 4, Editor Co-ed Argonaut, 4; HighP.st Honors, ] , 3.• 4.

TRUMAN LEONARD STYNER, B.S.(E.E.) Moscow High &hoof Sigma Chi; A.J.E.E.; As.,ociated Engineers.

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