1928 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 26 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 330







Winged H elmet Hon()f"ary L iterm:v Fratemit)' Founded October, 192..;.

T o encourage creative work in literature and art. OFFICERS President V ice- President Suretnry-T reas urer

Dr. G. M. Miller Ada Burke

Smith Miller Elinor Yaggi George Young Sylvia Oldman


Er.rNOR Y Acc r C r.A rR K11.1.0 RAN - B F.UI.J\1 1 BR O W N

FACULTY i\1Ei\1BERS J ohn Cushman Pauline Mitchell MEMBERS Clair Killoran Beulah Brown Elizabeth Dunn

Maurine Chenoweth Ruth Hawkins

Germaine Gimblc Alwilda Langdon Grace J ain Farnsworth J ennings

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