1928 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 26 - University of Idaho Yearbook

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Mary M cClintock Upham Scholarship Cup Several years ago, Mrs. Elizabeth Kidder Lindley ofrered a silver loving cup to t he g roup of women on t he University of Idaho campus, the majority of whose members live in the same house, attaining for a year the highest comparative scholastic average. P i Beta Phi fraternity won permanent possession of this cup in 1925, having obtained it for the th ird consecutive year. T o carry o n the tradition, the Mary M cClin tock Upham Scholarship Cup, named for its donor, Mrs. Upham , was presented for the wom en's organ izations in 1926. This was won for the first time by the Pi Sigma R ho Sorority on a 4. 914 average. For another year they have maintained t heir place at the head of the list and are again awarded the trophy, t his time with a 4路938 average. The winning group has its name inscribed on the cup each time and keeps it in custody until the next year award is made. If won again by P i Sigma Rho, the cup will become its permanent award. H ence, keen competition for the troph y this year is manifest.

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