1925 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 23 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 52

FRANK J. KERSHISNIK, B. S . Burley High School Delta Chi: .\lpha Zeta:




JAMES V. LACY, B. A. Tekoft High School, Washington wn.hln,:ton dub.

ALLEN K. LARSON, B. S. Amcl"ican Fork High School, Utah AI! dub: Dnlrr Judgin!o( TeHm ( 3) : l'oullr)' .Judging renm ( 3) : :\lotnngcr Jud~:ing T eams ( 3) .

GEORGE C. LANEY, B. S. Twin Falls HifJh School .'\lphn Kappa l'•i.

C HARLES L. LAWSON, B. S. Caldwell High School '"l'' club: Baseball (2) , ( 3) . (4) .

WALTER C. LETH, B. S. Twin Falls H igh School Alphn Zctn: Y. :\1. C. ,\.: Ag club: Sto<:k Joul!{lng Team <3 ) : (;ruin J u<hring Team (3) :

SIDNEY 0. LITTLE, .Uoscow, Idaho

B. S .


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