1925 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 23 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 50

• R UTH THEODORA HOVE, B. A. Xo1·th Central High School, Spokane, ll'ash. l'i

Si~rmu Kho: \ 'ice l're;oident of ;\lortnr nonrd: .\lpha Ep,llon: En~~:lish club: Secretarr-Tn·a-un•r of the Spanish dub ( 3 ) : Secretary or the \\';"hin~~:ton dub ( I ) : Secretnr>' of the Senior Clnss: Clns, •:ell tor Gem or the ;\lountain~ ( I ) : .\rronaut staff (1) , ( 2 ) , 13 ) . ( I ) : Correspondent to the Exchan~tt' Bureau .\ssocinted Women Student- ( I ) : .\ssociated \\'oml'n Student• Cabinet ( I ) : Women's council I ~ ) : Junior Stunt: Stnff Co-eel IO:clition or the .-\rgonnut ( I ) . ( ~) . ( 3 ) , ( I ) ;

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HELEN HIBBS, B. A. Lapwai High School Alpha Chi Omef{u: English dub: L llomu·s ( ~ ) . 1 I ) : "8" Honor< ! 3) .

\\', C. .'\,: •·.\''

LOUIS H. HELFREY, B.S. Sandpoint High School l'hi c:amma Delta: English club: .\2 dub : Col' lll of tlw ;\louutains staff ( 3 ) . ( I ) : .\r!ronuut stnfr I 1 ) . ( ~ ) : Onirr l'rcxlucts Jud2in2 Team ( ~ ) : Chairma n Stunt Ft'sl ( 1) .

SCHULYER G. HILL, B. S . iUo8cow High School KATHYRN HEALY. B. A. Robe1·ts High School Al(>hn Epsilon: Ena:lbh club: Spanish d nh: \\'. \ . •\.: l'rcsiclent or ,\lpha Epsilon: Chair ma n nr Jt"fferson <~>unl) : Cia" \'ollerball. Oaskt"tbnll. IJ.I-t:hall: "B" lh•nors.

LEONA CLAIRE HUGHES, B. S. Roseberry Hi,qh School ELMER M. HOLBROOK, B. S. Intermountain Institute Tan Kappa Iota: ,\~: dub: ;\Ju Beta Bet n : \ 'ice l'rcsiclenl Y. \I. C . •\.

LOUISE JENNESS, B. A. ll'eiser High Sch ool Gamma I' hi Beta: Emrlish dub: Stu nt Fl'st ( I ) . ( 1) .


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