1925 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 23 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 253






Regular Army Men EDWARD R. CHRISMAN, Colonel U.S. A . Retired. Colonel Chrisman has been connected with the )Iilitary Department of the University of Idaho for fourteen years. He is largely responsible for the growth and recognized importance that the :\Iilitary Department now has. CLAUDIUS L. LLOYD, Ca]Jtain, I nfantry D. 0. L. Captain Lloyd came to the University four years ago. Since he has been het路e he has instilled in the cadets a higher interest in military drill and tactics than has ever before been shown. BENJAMIN B. BAIN, Captain, Infantry D. 0. L. Three years ago Captain Bain came to the University and expects to be here one year more. Captain Bain has proven especially valuable as an instructor in the use of the machme gun and the larger weapons. CHARLES H. HART, JR., Fi1路st L ieutenant, I nfantry D . 0 . L. This is Lieutenant Hat路t's first year at the University. There is no doubt but what he will prove to be one of the most popular instructors that the University has ever had. EUGENE NAGELE, Staff Se1路geant. Sergeant Nagle has been connected with the :\lilitary Department at the University for over six years. He is not only an instructor but also handles all )Iilitary reports. LONNIE WOODS, Staff Sergeant. For the past five years Sergeant Woods has been connected with the University :Military Department and de\"otes much of his time to the instruction of the first year cadets.

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