1924 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 22 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 34

The Deans :\I.\RTIX Ft:l.l.EIl. .\:O芦;~:L1...

f)rull of Ihr COliI'D" Ilf

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h',\", C. CR."\ FORI). B. S. of 1/,.. Co//ry., of ElIgi"....rilly



Ron~:Il.T ),ICX.\11( DAVI". D. D('.JII of Ihr Cull..gr of Lm.' JA\' GLOVER EI.Dllrl)(;~:. I'll.


Drull of Orr FIUIIII)'

P~;(OIl::,\L JAZ\''' FIl~:J\'Cli. Dr/", of IVlllllnl

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EUWAlU> JUIU, IJHlIS(;S, B. S. DI'm, of UrI' Col/ryt' of .Iyrirllllur.路 j.\.\IES FR.\NKLIX :\IESS~:Nm:ll., I'lL


Dr/Ill 0/1/,1' Srlrl/ol of EIIllrll/ion FlUX-CIS G.UtX~:R .\III.I.EIl.,

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Dnw of fir,' SdlOfJ/ of Fort'S/rs FR.\:"CIS AXI)R~:\\' TnO.\IPSON. Drall uf Ihl' Srhool of .\tillt'S

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