1924 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 22 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 243

Home Economic Club ;\Iorris.. :\brgaret ?IUllroc. RUlh Bt:<l.llie~ XOT11l.1 I»mes-. .\nni~


l'ruidl'1I1 ..._ .. '·;r,-·Prnidnll :-'·rrr.-/Ilr} _.TuuSllrl'(

The I-lome Economics Club is composed of all girls enrolled in the Home Economics Dep.'lrtmcllL The purpose of the Associ.l.Iioll is to promou: an interest in Home Economics work. The girls ha\'c charge of the annual Co-Ed Prom. which is one t>f the most popular social affairs of the "car, \l iss •\Jah 1.00....

\Ir.. Ii. It. Mell"le ~l OlIlEJ:S

S ...riors M.. ;~

t·e~lh"...n Kachel (~mb)'

'-dma lI.milton Fra,,,,,_ Illrr;' .\l .. r~l TUlllc

Norma Barile_ !tilth UU11;" ~:n"nv l.<>u 11,,1/1'" ld. J l. lI"tg,," .\tyee C.",eron .\liar,. DkklllJ<II,

Thelma I'lrn.",,,,rll

llel"" f,:~... ,,;oy

t:la'ha 1I.. ,6e1<l .\nnic: )1<,..., ,\Iat~.r"" :\Iu".<>('

11111it"l t;hnctlm (:."1",,,

Ilud /""'" Alma.lcl""'IIAIl

Caroll".. ,\Iuq,loy t;I~,ly.

IIQt:>tbf Swann \I~t)' \ a" Il"c","" l!~i,y Whatlr)' \""nhetlr ,\k.\I."cr



Fr."..i, Io: .. rr .\n"a ,\Iaric: l.<:i,h.. M 'Ilit \Io:{'<>y I Ide" Par><>"_ ~1c.r ..,..... !'l•.,,,,,,

C,l••lr••\I1"" lIel,," :'u"in .\10"" Curyell IIcrth C;.,dun .\l.bc-I Griffi'h

M"",a ~IU"~ \!la.h T ..... ,..,. I1b ....hc Tully Mar) Will, ..""""

Prtsh".tu :\I,ldred (;illwn .... n

I"',rothy La"", ~"'nntt llo:{'onndl lloI-i, Pcn...",l1 (;"rtnt<k Taylor

n..r"ice lO"I'I~",,,,r

Ohv.. llu..... \\"inifreil .-.. ilh""" lid"''' S-",ffl",r Glad,._ Olk..

Ihllh Po...",,, It..... Pre..




l'ol1f"n" S<"hoo....vc. S-",lh", S<"h.. tl bn.o.... ~h",I"" 1.,l1ia" !'l,on.. I.....joe Je*$ic Wil"""

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