1923 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 20 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 50

"Clarence" by BOOTH


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1Jrs. 11nrlJn :llr. \\'heeler :lIn. Wheeler

Dobby Corn


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11iss riolct Pinlley Cltlrcl1c~ _ Della Dinwiddie __ 1Jr. Hubert Stcm ..

Bethel ColJill!> Culllcron King .I'curl Stalker Joe 1Joorc Flcct,l Brennnn JOllli )lcCllllulll 1IichtlCI Tho1l1clz

1Iarglll"ct .i\lims T,COIl "'oodrow DoJ 1\lcKilLlc)'

THE SCENES: ,ACT l.-Thc time is Il1l)' day. now-11-clIlJ8. All office in NIlBS'lll Street, New York City. ACT H.-A 19H1·1919 renditiOIl of II dmwing room in the \Vheeler's horne. ACT I1L-Thc samc. 1\ "Horncy" cvcning. •'\CT IV.-'1'hc samc. Thc ncxt lIloming altcr brcakfast. '1'1..U:' :\l.-\~AGE)JEN'l' DIKt:CTOtl _ :\IIt. CUSIl)IAX lluslxt:ss :\IA:"AGP.K .'l't:D '1'UKxt:K STAGt: :MAXAGEK _ :\IR. BODY-LSO:" SCE:s"ERY ;\l15S ].t:A:". MRS. BEIIRt: PROI'ERTIES. ._ :\IARGARET ))1;801S PBO)J)'TER


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