1923 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 20 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 349


HE AUILl'l'l路 to produce fincl~' printed books and pamphlets at modcrlite prices dcpelld~ not anI)' upon the indi\'idulli skill of the workme.n, and the orgllllizing ahilit)" of the lIl!ultlgcmcnl, but upon the equipment of the printing plant. We ha\'c laidJ impro\"oo OIiT fncilitics by the '-Jlllddilion or one of the largest. presses (or fine printing ever brought west of the Hocky :\Iounlilin'i, gi\路ing us the best C<]uipped pressroom in the stille of Idaho. ill Our conscientious effort is to build llll orgtllliZll'-Jllion al.>l(' to better sene the lmyers of printingill this stale. It is II pleasure to correspond wilh those who '-'ldc"i,'c lurge 01" small editions of nellily printccl hook;;, booklets or pamphlets, ill IMther, cloth or papel' co\'ers.



The CAXTON PRINTERS, Ltd. 312-]6 i\ll\in Street CllldwcJl


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