1923 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 20 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 305






The Argonaut H.\:<:HOI.I'1I .J.·XX.:'''", )lORY.IT 1101.11800..-

Lons Bo.\s Ill'.tlsy.\-


Editor 1,t ..,'r//lnter Sr//lotcr .hJlQcilltc f~ditQr }J,tlilll:II .If fIJ/{/grr

f~ditor 2"d

II E Ll1i\'l~I .... il,\' _hg-Ollllut is till: 'Jfliei,d studcllt pllhli('ation of thc "l1i"ersity. It i" pllhli.",hcu OIICC Il wcck Ilml SC1'\'CS II" Il mcdiulll for the bl'Oadcastill~ of ncws of ,!.Ccncl'al inll'l'c"tto thc sludcnt body, Thc Editor tLl\l1 Bu~inc"", :\11l1111gCI' IU'C elected fr01l1 the studellt body • III lllrgc Ilnd Im\'e full control of thc policici< of the pUpCI'. Thc ..\ssoeillted Slmlcnl'" elect <.-lIch "Clllc",tcr IUl Il",,.oei'lic ('(Iitor. who nfter ~er\'illg in this cnpa('ity for one full ..elHe.. tCl', i1utonlllliellll," !Jc.eomes F.ditor~ in-Chief. The .\rgolll\ut I'" II mcmber of the I'ucific and the "'..,,,tern Intercollegiate Prc..s Associations. ~ew~ i .. di",pntch<.-d to and re<-cin.'d from the other llIelnhers of the tlssOeilltiOll, tim" linking together the IArhrer ulli"er"ities And eo liege'" for the lIIulunl benefit .. deri,'OO from the e"chungc of ne"','; IInci ideus, The sblff is cho,.ell hy the Nlilor on :\ IJllsis of experience lInd willingnc,." to \\'ork for a bi~g'er ulHI g"l'elllCl' Id:dto,



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