1923 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 20 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 247

Lindley Hall The ··.·\s,~ucl>ttl'd Stll(k'l1t~ of Lindley llalr" wu~ o l'gal1i1.c<1 in the fall of H)~O to promote II g"catcl" fcllo\l"~hip among the residents of the M()Il'S Do ..milol·y. to provide {oz" their own comfort and happiness, to ad\'IUlcc and ~tl"(;llgthCIl

Idaho Spil'it alld b·aditioJl. I,indlcy (',tfe i~ sllp('l"l'i~cd by '.~ spcei'di"t lind aC<"OIl11l10datcs ahout one hundred and fifty students and faculty. }'J'ancis .Jenkins, (ol'lllel-)y I~llrs>lr of the l"niH· .. ,ily. is nOli" Proctor of LilldJey Hall.

.\Ildcrson, Charles G. .\ndcrson. .\1 "Icohn Atchley, S. I-I. Ilradfield. E. F. Brossunl., L. F. Borer, Illlrold HClln••/ '''" lI'o""ne. "",-ilh Byrne, W. Cochr,m, '\"hlc,'Cornish. W.

c.;nrlock, W. G"dc, J . G:lWIlIl•. r. 11. (jan'cr, .1. ,\. Gun'cr, H. (juirincln, I.. IlolI~lo", P. I.. lIalc, C. S. llutton, !\I.

ChllpUl"n. B, ./.

IIOckIHla,·, G. llesk,,~t<;d, .\.

Chubhuck. Wlllter Curti.~,


ConIc}'. C. F. Coons, Don"ld Clnrk, ,I. W. Disney, Owi.L(ht Oit'k, Dorwld Douglns, H. Ocr., ,\. n"le, H. E. J)a\"i~, Cnrroll "~lIsl"'''n, E. A. Feldmnn. (',ItI P'lcminl!".I .•'" Fle'nil1lt. Luke I;'i~her, Don I~ale.~, C. Foskitl. I..

11m, S.

""d,', G.

,lcnkil1~. 1··ruJl(·i.~ John~toll, 1". :\,

;':uput", 1'. L"micllc, CI.Hce,'·' .1. I."n",'·' G. l.it1Ic, Sid'llT

)loor, I.. . ;\I""cr, I". ;\1 i1ford.•r. ,\I".kt·r, S. 1-:, ~·c"·n"",. "". Pon~ctti. ,J. PIII'Jl(', Ii. pol"'''...~tcr. A. I'dc.~, A. I' ..·•• '.,tt, Dan

Pierce, Waltcr l'ieree, Georb'"C Piltingsgrud. A. Peterson..... Putnam, II. HOh'Crs. C. ltemsUcr.L(, P. Itouth, ,J. Riechers. A. J. Hie.-es. W. nnynaldo. .\. Itink, E"r1 Sogltrd. A. ;\1. Sin'el. F. Stunt~,


Smith, G. Smith, Deh''''nt Sulli'·"I1. C. 50,,·d"'r. A. Scott, W,

Scott, It. Sltn·j~. II. SUUlII1I:rs. J. Stockdale, 5. Screh...·llikoff Tnpper, 1.. Tipton, K. \"(}h.~. Dale Zlll1.Lter. C.

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