1912 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 9 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 86


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The Associated Students o£ the U. of I. is an organization of all college students for the regulation of all matters of student concern. The business of the organization is carried on in general studen t asscn1blies and in its Execut ive Board meetings. The Executh·e Board is composed of the officers of the A. S. U. I. and a member each from the Athletic Board. Argo. naut Staff, Debate Council and Faculty. The members for the school year of 1910- 1 1 arc as fo llows:


Oli,·cr Price ----------------------------------- _President Gep. Rcmber -----------------·---------------Vice P resident V cronica Foley ----------------------- ____________ Secretary Enoch Barnard --- ---------------- ---------------Treasurer Lloyd Fenn _____ _ - - --- ---- --- --- ------------ Athletic Board Paul Clemans---- --------------------------- Argonaut Staff Rowe llolman _________________ ______ ________ Dcbatc Council Phillip Soulen --------------------· ________________ Faculty


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