1912 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 9 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 17

r Jonx FISHER :\1.\cLnm, B. A. (Yale Uni,·ersity); L. L. B.. CniYersity of :\linnesota, Professor of


J t~N Krxs.

Bursar. and Sccrctar)' of the



\\'JT.LJ.nr H.\LE WICKS, 1!. S. (Agr.), (Cornell UniYersity). Professor of H ortiwlture, a11d H or-

Thcn.\RO STANISLAUS ·McCAFFERY, E. 11. (Colmnhia University), Professor of 11liuing and Metal-

ticulturist of the Experime11t Statio11.


FR.\NKLIN CHILDERS, 11. S. (University of :\lissouri). Professor of Agrouomy and Agro110-


CHARLES HOt'STON SHATTUCK, Ph. D. (University of Chicago), Professor of Forestr)'·

111ist of t!te E.1·perime11t Station.

Ons Ennv 1\[cCuTCHEON (t\!bion College, M ich igan), Professor of La'w. and Dean of tile College of Law.

\V 1 LLf AM LEVI CARLYLE, M. S. (Colorado Agricul tural College), Dean of the College of Agri-

culture, aud Director of the Experiment Station.

ll!':NDRICK SouLEN, M.A. ( H ope College), Principal of the State PreparatOr)' School. and Instructor in Educatiou.


jAMES IIARVEY FoRNEY, L. L. B., 11. A (Wofford College). Professor of Lm.v. FREDERICH NrcnoLSON, 11. S. (University of \\'isconsin). Professor of Bacteriology, a/Ill



REUEL CTIADSEY, E. M. (Colorado School of 1\[ines). Assistant Professor of Mining En-

Bacteriologist of the Experiment Station.

gineering. PER~fE.\L J.\XE FRENCH (Graduate of College of

SoL E. HuTTON, E. E. and :\1. E. (Highland Park College), Professor of Electrical and J/eclwuical EnRilreeri11g (ad interim).

Xotre Dame. San Francisco) : Stale Superintendent of Public Instruction ( 1899-1903). Dean

of 11'ome11.

FRANK \YILBUR CnAliBERLAIN, D. V. :\1. (1'\ew York State Veterinary College), Assista11t Profrssor (in c!targe) of T'etcri:1ary Scic11ce, a11d i'lnimal Jlusbandry. (Resig•~ed December, 1910.)

C.\RT. Cos~w

HICE, Ph. D. (Harvard University). .lssisflmt Professor (in charge) of Romance

l.anguages. 8

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