1912 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 9 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 126

Colors: Brown and Buff. Flo~<Ja : Pink Carnation. Organized 1874, N on~mbc r 22, 1909.

N 11-------------------Uni ,·ersity of Oregon, Eugene. Oregon XL _______ __________ ____ Uni,·ersity of Idaho, t>foscow, Idaho

Fac11lty Jllember: Professor McCaffery. Se11iors: E lizabeth Dunn Veronica Foley

Chicago Syracuse Boston

Jwriors: Linda Rae Helen Noyes Sop/to mores: Iva Emmett Ruth Annette Jessie Coram Louise Richardson Kath ryn Smith Margaret Stolle Fresltmc11: Marguerite Allen Harriet Bolger Maude Honham Gladys Collms Elizabeth H ays

Georgia Kauffman Gladys Lcssinger lela \Valhcr ~fabel Wilson Corinne Robertson

Roll of Cltapters. Alpha _______________ __Syracuse Unh·ersity, s ·y racuse. N. Y. Bcta __________________ ____ u. o f Michigan. Ann Arbor. :\lich. Gamma ____________________ __u. of Wisconsin, Madison. Wis. DeJta _____________ __ ___ __ __Boston Uni,·ersity. Boston. t.[ass. Epsilon ______________Northwestern University. Evanston, Ill. 7.cta _________________________ Gouchr College. Baltimore. Mel. Eta--------------------- -----U. o f California, Berkeley, Cal. llieta _Barnan College of Columbia University, New York City Kappa _____________ University of Minnesota, Memphis, :Minn. L.·unbda ____________ Uni,·ersity of Washington, Seattle. \Vash. Mn _____________ Lcland Stanford Jr. University of Califo rni~ Ill)

Alum11ae Cltaptcrs. New York Milwaukee Denver San Francisco Minnesota

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