1911 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 8 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 48





Lester F. Albert

1\larie l<ettenbach

Emil A. Anderson

Frank Kendal

Ray At·mstrong II or ace Bashor ,James Baxter· Clinton Bessee


i\lay Kroh

Lydia Lathincn Bertha Leighton

Carey Black

Peter Luraas

Jewell Both well

Ray Lyman

Tela Carssow

Eva 1\lacFat·land

Wm. I I. Casto

Clark )loon

A. D. DeVoe

Elsie ::-:etson

Chas. Downing

Helen D. Noyes



Paul Dunie

Ceo. O'Donnell Fr·ancis Oster

El'llest Ellis

Jarl Pauls

On·llle Faris

Cat·l Paulsen

.J. Russell Fox

Bessie Perkins

Dell Gat·by

Jesse Pierce

Virgil Gilchrist

Floyd R. Quinby

Veruon Glaze

Linda Rae

Olive I Lall

\Vm. Ream

1\largaret l lar·met·

Harry Redel{er·

At·thut· !Jeer

)!}Iizabeth Red way

1\lattle JJeer

)larguerite Schick

Amos Jlilt

Otis l\L Sisson

Vestal Hockett

Gertrude Stephenson

Rowe Holman

Jos. Sudweeks

Rob!. Holmberg

Jas. A. Thomton

Louie Jessup

Charlotte Tuttle

John \\'. Johnson

Bertha Wood FORTY-FOUR

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