1910 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 7 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 172




A GOOD SUGGESTION. Thomas (in Dr. Little's class)-"Once when I was building a mas,.,i,·e breakwater for the United States government on the Yukon, I---" Dr. Little-"\\'ipc off your chin. :.\lr. Thomas."

October, 1()08 1-Sophs slip one o,·er on the Freshies m the way of a poster. 2-George Armstrong describes a cow to Prof. Elliott. 2-}oint reception of Y. \V. and Y. M. C. A. Daus makes a speech. 3-Prep. "Blowout" at Gym. 3-Freshmen take hay ride to Joel. \Vheels come off wagons. Sophs? 3-Aipha Delta Pi keeps open house. 6-Petrie and Maughn win honors at Spokane fair. 7-Faculty on display at assembly. 8-Scveral new brick discovered on "Ad'' building. 9-Juniors go to Joel. 1o-First football game. Idaho, 34; Spokane Y. M. C. A., o. 10-Rcception to new faculty members at Ridenbaugh Hall. 1o-Senior party at Gym. 12-Sophs drill for promotions. 13-Very cold. Zum looks at the wood pile, but shakes his head and murmurs, ·'Economy." 14-Reception at Dorm. Chickens missing. 17-Prcps Yersus Lewiston Normal. Score, 24-0. r8-Daus buys microscope that will make nickels look like dollars. 19-Frank Dixon lectures on the '·Square Deal." 2:>--Board of Regents \'isit the Uni,·ersity. 22-Frost still on steam pipes. "\\'ood very dear." 22-Bremerton Xa,·y Yard team arri,·es. They want a "practice" game. 23-Big football rally. Freshmen gather wood Torchlights and cowbells. 24-Slump in U. S. Na,·y. Idaho, 32: Bremerton, o. 28-"New'' Dorm girls rough house ·'Old" girls. 30-Big rally. ''We're looking for the team that can play ball with Idaho." 31--Found. Idaho. 21; Oregon, 27. 31-Hallowe'en party at Ridenbaugh Hall.

'':\Iy daughter," and his YOicc was stern, "You must set this matter right; \Vhat time did that Senior lea,·e That sent in his card last night?" "His work was oressing, father, dear, And his love for it was great, So he took his leave and went away Before a quarter of eight." Then a twinkle came to her bright eyes, And her dimples deeper grew. "'Tis surely no har m to tell him that. For a quarter of eight is two." -]. R. Ilad I but known. in this uncertain age, \Vhat Aunks there were for me in days to come, Then would I have stayed upon the farm. And saved myself the pain of heing stung. -F. E. \V. OLD FRIEKDS :\Iiss Fraser-"! wonder if Vice President Fairbanks will come up with the legislators. and if he will remember me. I met him in :\Iorningside last summer."

Jim Hays

ONE OX BERYL into Da,·is')-Is she here?"


A STU:.\IBLING BLOCK :.\fiss Bowler (to Prof. Morley. after algebra class)-"I can't quite make out about that X. Sometimes it's in the numerator, and sometimes it's in the denominator."


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