Universal Film Magazine Issue 4

Page 25

Universal Film Issue 4 of 2012


tutes are an important basis for filmmaking in our country. But our submissions were refused and thus, we decided to do it on our own. Hearing what the gatekeepers said, considering their warnings but not letting them drag us away from our goal. Because the most powerful and dangerous gatekeeper is your own mind!

THE BIG BLACK is a road movie, featuring young Jack driving through purgatory, trying to escape the demons of his past. Of course, he drives a hearse and in Winter 2009 I phoned through several undertaker’s businesses in order to find a hearse for a quick photo-shooting. So we would have some key visual to underline our plans.

There is this magical triangle between money, time and quality. Less money means either less quality or less time. There was no discussion about the quality and so time became more and more valuable. Our plans had put the first shotting day to March, 1st. In order to get the spooky surroundings we needed to tell purgatory. Only five weeks to go and so much to do...

When I saw the Chevy Caprice ’79 waiting in the small alley in a tiny village in Southern Germany, lightning hit me: this was Jack’s car, for sure! After the shooting the undertaker committed that the hearse had had her last job just this morning. For around 800$ he would give it away. I agreed, feeling that this hearse would be the horse to carry our mission and negotiated for a coffin on top. Saying, without thinking: „Not necessarily a new one. A used coffin is ok for us.“ Have you ever heard an undertaker laugh aloud? After calming down and me understanding my (obvious) error he came up with a somewhat scarred coffin that „had fallen down from the forklift in the coffin company“. Well, no more questions from me and on the road with my new horse, feeling the hearse shiver on the highway. From then on, we would drive with the Chevy to all meetings concerning THE BIG BLACK, thus proving that „we would really do it“. By the way, a mock-up of a DVD with the first key visual on the cover, was always placed inside the coffin. A totem, so to speak. When we started acquiring cast & crew in Berlin in February 2010 (during Berlinale, where they are all in town) we met another classical character of a hero’s journey: the Gatekeeper(s). In our case, the gatekeepers were those who said „it is impossible to produce this film in Germany wihtout the support of the funding institutions or TV stations.“ Of course we had tried to get this support, the funding insti-


Then, in Summer 2011 (!) we finally had „picture lock“ and in January 2012 finally finished re-recording THE BIG BLACK. Already in December 2011, we had our worldwide premiere, in Korinth (Greece), running in competition for the GOLDEN PEGASUS, an animal from Greek mythology, having huge wings. An omen? Might be, as we won the GOLDEN PEGASUS for BEST DIRECTOR and BEST SCORE. Meanwhile, our baby has been screened in New Delhi (IDFF) and will run in competition at Cyprus International Film Festival in October. But, of course, the journey is not over. Seeking distribution AFTER having finished the film and not having an A-list actor in your castlist is the next challenge. Many distributors told us: „Go, get some A-Festivals, then come back.“ Many festivals told us: „Go, find a distributor, then come back.“ Again, we have to be aware of our magic weapon - our belief in what we do – and approach the cave of the dragon. And as soon as we’ll have defeated the dragon – whatever that means in our case – we will rise up to the surface and see the light. Or in other words: see the world premiere of our film in a cinema in Germany. Or the U.S. Or – whereever. What have we learned, so far? Never fear making a mistake. Listen to what the pros say, but let noone stand in your way. And, most important: believe in what you do. Otherwise you will not make it. We are Jack, driving through purgatory of distribution, seeking salvation. Geronimo!


ll that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream.“ Dear Mr. Poe, I truly understand your words, since I directed THE BIG BLACK. Just now, still seeking distribution and fighting sharks in the pool I wonder when we will see the surface again. But I guess that’s what all this is about: daring, not looking back & fighting until the end.

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