California Policy Options 2012

Page 46

in dollars and in in-kind get-out-the-vote efforts—to

plans—in contrast—are essentially tax-favored

Democrats. The Republican argument was that unions

savings accounts for individual workers which receive

were negotiating overly-generous pay and benefits

employer and employee contributions. Covered

and that these costs were harmful to distressed public

workers generally have a choice of investments such as

budgets. The State of Wisconsin was home to an

stock funds, bond funds, and less risky assets such as

especially bitter legislative battle over the collective

certificates of deposit.

bargaining issue.


There was also a brief push

to have Congress (now that the House was under

Under defined contribution plans, employees

Republican control) create a legal mechanism for

on retirement have a sum of money reflecting

states to declare bankruptcy—presumably allowing

contributions and investment returns—whatever those

state governments to void or renegotiate existing

turn out to be. The risks entailed due to investments

collective bargaining agreements. The idea was

that don’t pan out or due to inadequate contributions

dropped when it seemed likely that allowing such

over the years are borne by the employee. Under

bankruptcy would tend to undermine the market for

defined benefit plans, investment risks are covered by

state government bonds.


the employer since the eventual monthly pension is determined by formula. In the private sector, defined

In California, where unionization is higher than the

benefit plans were commonly components of union

national average, almost entirely because of higher

contracts but as unionization declined in private

unionization rates in the public sector, collective

employment, so—too—did defined benefits there.

bargaining as a legislative issue did not arise because

In the public sector, defined benefit plans actually

of Democratic control and the general tilt of state

predated unions; when public sector unionization

politics. However, in particular localities—notably the

came along—mainly in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s—

City of Costa Mesa—there was a Wisconsin-type battle.

unions essentially inherited an employment system

That small city managed to garner statewide attention

which came with such pensions.

when one employee committed suicide after receiving a layoff notice. 6 1 Palo Alto’s city council voted to put

Defined benefit plans can become underfunded

on the ballot a proposition that would end that city’s

since ultimately the plans must pay the accrued

compulsory (binding) arbitration system for settling

benefits whether or not sufficiently funding has

labor dispute impasses.

been gathered from contributions and investment earnings. By definition, defined contribution plans

While collective bargaining per se was not a major

cannot be underfunded since the employer owes only

issue in California, public pensions became a proxy

the contribution it puts in and those contributions

for that issue, although many nonunion employees

are made upfront. If those contributions—or the

in the state are covered by pension systems. Pensions

investment income the employee derives from them—

essentially come in two flavors: “traditional” defined

prove to be inadequate to support the employee in

benefit pensions and “401k”-type defined contribution

retirement in the style he/she might have expected,



The former involve the creation of a

pension fund which receives employer and employee

that is the misfortune of the employee/retiree, not of the public employer.

contributions in varying proportions to pay benefits to retirees. Those benefits are based on a formula

California has three major state pension funds.

typically involving age, length of service, and earnings

CalPERS covers most state employees, apart from

history of the beneficiaries. Defined contribution

those of the University of California, and the

R e a l ly ! N o M e n ta l R e s e r v at i o n s

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