California Policy Options 2012

Page 178

In 1868, the California Legislature passed the Organic

remain in California and throughout the world.

Act, which provided the charter for California’s

However, to the extent that public universities have

only land-grant university. Signed by Governor H.

come to rely on tuition for more and more of their

H. Haight on March 23, 1868, Charter Day, the new

core operating expenses, the more they are de facto

Act created the University of California. One of the

“privatized.” Typically, that word is not used because

provisions of the Organic Act allowed the State to

of public sensitivity. 1 3 But the more a university

create a “corporation…which is ‘The Regents of the

depends heavily on tuition for its core academic

University of California.’” The UC-Regents first began

programs, the closer it comes to the Stanford/

organizing in Oakland in 1869. But by 1873, the project

private model.

had been moved to Berkeley and the first campus of the University of California was opened there. For

It was not until 1879 that UC’s special status as a

many years thereafter, the University of California and

public trust took final shape. During that year the

what we now call UC-Berkeley were one and the same.

Regents attended the second State constitutional convention and lobbied for an amendment that

Governor Newton Booth spoke at the first

would give the University of California constitutional

commencement in 1873 to the 12 assembled graduates:

autonomy from legislative control. They persuaded enough citizens that it was better to put their trust in

“[The University] is for use, not show; for everyday

the Regents than in the State legislature to manage an

wear, not holiday attire…We want it not merely as a

academic institution and keep it separate from politics,

teacher and disseminator, but as a searcher after truth,

meddling, and corruption.

an investigator, a discoverer. We want a University… for the people, in sympathy with their wants… showing

In May 1879, voters approved the new constitution

by leadership and example that the educated man is not

that guaranteed the University of California a

a member of a caste… but that his guild is humanity.”

level of independence shared by few other public institutions in the nation and that gave its governing

Creating the University of California meant first

Board of Regents “full powers of organization and

creating the institution of a Board of Regents that

government,” subject only to limited oversight by

would govern it in the manner of a corporation.

the legislature. (The relevant sections of the state

However, the early Board faltered due to the

constitution are found in Appendix A to this chapter.)

interference and meddling of the state legislature in

Only five other major public university systems share

the workings of a university. The Regents knew that

the designation of a public trust, among them the

they needed independence in governance if they

University of Michigan, another of the highest-ranking

were to accomplish their mission to create a high

public college systems in the country. 1 4

quality university system. Independence could not be guaranteed by mere statute, which could be easily changed, but by the State constitution. At just about this time, across the Bay, Stanford University began with a very different premise: a private university with enough private resources to govern itself as it wished without any promises to the State or the citizens. These two models of universities

Public Pension Funding

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