California Policy Options 2012

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This chapter is based on an Applied Policy Project report


Jet Rangers and A-Stars depreciate at roughly $210/flight hour

developed for the Los Angeles Police Department by the authors as

and $250/flight hour, respectively. After weighting for the proportion

part of their Masters of Public Policy program. The original report

of both aircraft within ASD, the fleet depreciates at roughly

preparation was supervised by Prof. Mark Kleiman of the UCLA

$240/flight hour.

School of Public Affairs, Department of Public Policy.


In the North Hollywood bank robbery, two heavily-armed robbers


$280 + $90 + $400 + $240 ≈ $1,000/flight hour, which

excludes overhead, buildings, safety equipment, training, and costs

engaged in a shootout with police and were killed. Police and others

of financing. ASD’s true cost per hour of flight is double this on

were injured. In 1999, two students at Columbine High School killed

weekdays and triple on weekends, since ASD flies two aircraft during

other students and a teacher, injured others, and committed suicide.

the week and three aircraft on Fridays and Saturdays.

In 2009, a single gunman killed 32 students and committed suicide at Virginia Polytechnic University (Virginia Tech). At the Westroads Mall,


a man killed eight others in 2007 and then committed suicide.

the first year. This assumption applies hereafter.



This section compares the relative capital operating cost of

Calculations assume that replacement parts are purchased after

Although it is not clear that UAS operators and observers

helicopters and UASs per flight hour. ASD helicopter training costs

should be paid for hours not in flight, we use the salary structure

roughly $250,000-$500,000 over a 4-6 month period. Based on our

of helicopter flight crews for consistency. Substituting for unsworn

interviews with UAS manufacturers, UAS operator and observer

personnel with lower salaries could further reduce UAS operating

training may range from $3,000-$10,000 and take from 1-2 weeks to

costs per flight hour.

complete. Though further analysis may be required, an initial estimate puts UAS training costs at less than 2% of what it costs ASD to train its


helicopter pilots.

continuously for up to 30 hours. We intentionally limit flight time


This assumed high-end UAS model is designed to fly

to less than 5 hrs/day to ensure that maintenance costs are not Approximately $250,000 per aircraft.

underestimated. Even after overcompensating for uncertainty, maintenance costs account for only 5% of total operating cost per


Roughly 29,000 gallons and $79,000 per aircraft.

flight hour.


Fuel consumption is not a major contributor to hourly flight costs.


Although multiple spare parts are included in the purchase

Even a 50% increase in fuel prices would be immaterial to total costs

price of high-end UAS models, even conservatively estimating

per hour.

an additional $200,000 in maintenance after one year does not

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significantly raise maintenance costs per flight hour. All present value calculations use an interest rate of 5% hereafter.

The trade-in value for a 10-year old aircraft with 15,000

flight hours is roughly two-thirds of its initial price (Helicopters Magazine 2011).



Using an average top speed of eight leading small UAS

models (roughly 40 mph) and the farthest distance from a station to its boundary (Devonshire or Foothill).


130-170 mph for the A-Star and 125-155 mph for the Jet Ranger.

u c l a L u s k i n s c h o o l o f p u b l i c a f fa i r s

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