California Policy Options 2010

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possibility of such an increase. He may have hoped to

i.e., what would happen if no budget changes were

have a car tax increase as fiscal bargaining chip later in

made. If the projection is exaggerated, but offset by

the process. Or he may have hoped that by siding with

equivalent cuts in spending, the budget predicament is

the Republicans at this stage of the process he might

made more dramatic, possibly influencing legislative

make them more cooperative later.

cooperation. There is no net effect on the projected outcome, but the large gross dollar magnitude might

But keeping the car tax off the table proved difficult.

jar the legislature into going along.

Legislative Analyst Elizabeth Hill criticized the governor for depriving local governments of the

Another part of the problem was the time dimension.

backfill. “The state made a policy decision to give tax

Multiyear projections are routinely compared with the

relief (when the car tax was cut), and we think that

one-year general fund budget, thus producing

the same entity of government that makes the decision

a large and shocking comparative number. This

about tax relief should bear that burden.”


apples-and-oranges approach—multiyear vs. one year —may simply confuse the process of fiscal decision-

By late January, the Assembly had proposed a bill

making. It is certainly questionable whether sowing

that would make midyear spending cuts in 2002-03,

confusion produces legislative cooperation or better

but effectively linked the cuts to Davis pulling the car

eventual results.

tax trigger. Davis indicated he would veto such a bill, saying he wanted a “total budget solution” instead. 5 6

Davis was not the first governor to use the apples-and-

However, he did not rule out the possibility that the

oranges approach to budget presentation approach

trigger would eventually be pulled under existing

nor, as it turned out under Schwarzenegger, the last.

law if the budget problem worsened. Eventually, the

Nonetheless, the debate over the size and presentation

governor and the controller produced a legal opinion

of the fiscal problem created a credibility issue for the

that the car tax increase could be triggered by an

governor. Lack of any obvious budget agreement in

opinion of the finance director. With that opinion

February led Moody’s to join the other two rating agencies

on the record, the legislature then approved some

in downgrading California bonds, the first of three

midyear spending cuts.

such downgrades by that agency during calendar 2003.


At about the time the car tax veto was becoming the focus in Sacramento, recall papers were served on the governor, charging him with “gross mismanagement of California Finances.”5 8 Initially, the threat of a recall was not taken very seriously by the Davis

Both the legislative analyst and legislative Republicans

administration. Serving such papers is merely the first

argued that Davis’ proposal for a midyear correction

step in the recall process, allowing a voters’ petition to

of 2002-03 and for the coming 2003-04 had overstated

be circulated.

the problem, perhaps to dramatize the real dilemma and pressure the legislature. The new finance director

Two prior recalls against Davis had been in fact been

—former state senator Steve Peace—attributed

served by groups angry over immigration and about

alternative projections to a “green eyeshade debate”

electricity, but those efforts had dissipated. Recalls had

over methodology.57 The controversy centered around

also been filed against all earlier governors going back

estimates of the so-called “workload” projections,

to the mid-1930s, except for two, without success.5 9


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