Tusmo Times April 2015 Issue

Page 1

Wararka gudaha


Somali girl in Minnesota gets accepted to all 8 Ivy League universities

Harvard University, Brown University, Yale University...

Power, Politics and Broken Elevators

Politics, dueling agendas and passionate pleas were all part of a recent meeting at the Brian Coyle community center...

ka sii akhri bogga 7

see page 3

Vol. 2 Ed. 4 | April 2015

Family & Youth

Kooxda TC oo ku guulaysatay koobka Waqooyiga Ameerika ee Gobolka OHIO

see page 6

Warbixin la hubo | Local | Bilingual | Newspaper



SHAQOOYINKA AAN QABANO WAXAA KA MID AH: Ka hortagga Cudurada Ilkaha Qaliinka & Buuxinta Ilkaha Daaweynta Xididada & Goows

Dambeedka Dib u hagaajinta Ilkaha (Implant Restoration) Caddeynta Ilkaha (Teeth Whitening) Daweynta Cudurada Ciridka Iyo Adeegyo kale oo badan!

Habeenka Cashadda iyo taageeridda dhallinta Soomaaliyeed Qalinkii: Cabdirahxmaan Mukhtaar, Tusmo Times


Waxaa 29-kii bisha Maarso,

ujeedadeeduna ahayd, in lagu qaybgalay qaybaha kala duwan “Jay Blue” ahna tababaraha

Adan ayaa ka hadlay socdaalka ay kooxdiisu ku aadayso gobolka

2015 lagu qabtay xarunta shirarka

dhiirigeliyo, laguna taageero

ee bulshadda Soomaaliyeed oo kooxda kubaddda cagta ee casho

iyo xafladaha ee makhaayada

dhallinta Soomaaliyeed ee ku

ay kamid ahaayeen masuuliyiin,

sharafta loo sameeyay ayaa ka Ohio si ay uga qabygalaan

wayn ee Safari xaflad casho dhaqan gobolka Minnesota iyo waalid, culumo, dhallinyarro,

soo jeediyay xafladaasi qudbad tartanka ciyaaraha kubadda

sharaf ah oo si qurux badan

waliba kooxda kubadda cagta

ciyaartoy, macalimiin iyo waliba

qurxoon oo dhinacyo badan cagta ee lagu qabto magaalda

Tel: 763-400-3525

loo soo agaasimay. Xafladan

ee Minnesta Thunder Plus ay

ganacsato iskugu jira rag iyo

taabanaysa. Macalin Adan Ugas Columbus, Ohio, xagaa kasta.

dentist@carepointdentalmn.com www.carepointdentalmn.com

iyo casho sharaftan ayaa hal

da’deedu ka yartahay 13 jir.


ayaa u mahadceliyay dhamaan Wuxuu kale oo uu macalin Adan

hayskeedu ahaa “Midnimo”,

All Major Insurances Accepted Carepoint Dental 4111 Central Ave. NE, Suite 104 Columbia Heights, MN 55421

Waxaana xafladaasi ka soo

Adan Ugas oo ku magac dheer dadkii ka soo qayb galay xaflada.

ka hadlay guulaha kooxdiisa... ka sii akhri bogga 3

What is autism? Learn the signs of autism Masaajidka Daarul-Hijrah oo dib and act early loo furay Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Facts about Autism Qalinkii: Cabdiraxmaan Mukhtaar, Tusmo Times

April is the Autism Awareness

estimates from CDC’s Autism


and Developmental Disabilities

What is autism?


Waxaa maalintii Jimcaha 10- iyo dhiiri gelin oo maalintii oo markii dhisme masaajidka ku

Your child’s growth and

ka bisha Maarso, 2015 dib loo

dhan socday.

dhagan uu qabsaday dab khasaare

development are kept track of

leh dhimasho, dhaawac iyo mid

through a partnership between

dhaqaalabe sababay.

you and your health care

Masaajidka Daarul-Hijra

provider. It is positive parenting

ayaa wuxuu xirnaa mudo dhan

to follow how your child grows

14 billood, mudadaas oo dib u

and develops specially how your

habayn iyo dayac tir lagu waday.

child plays, learns, speaks and

Masaajidka Daarul-Hijrah ayaa

acts. If you are concerned talk

ah masaajidkii u horeeyay ee ay si

to your child’s doctor. Don’t

rasmi ah dhulka iyo dhismahaba

wait; acting early can make a

Jaalliyada Soomaaliyeed ee

Monitoring (ADDM) Network. It real difference.

Muslimka ahi u gataan sannad

Autism spectrum disorder

is almost 5 times more common

ku markuu ahaa 1998.

(ASD) is a developmental

among boys (1 in 42) than among




cause girls (1 in 189). There is often

What Causes Autism

Haddaba dhamaan dadkii

All the causes of autism are

kasoo qaybgalay salaada Jimce

significant social, communication nothing about how people with not yet known. However, there

furay masaajidka Daarul-Hijrah.

and behavioral challenges.

autism look that sets them apart is evidence that shows that

Masaajidka oo salaadii Jimce oo ku yaala xaafadda Cedar ee masaajidka ayaa aad ugu riyaaqay

About 1 in 68 children has been

from other people. Autism is

there are likely many causes for

lagu tukaday ayaa waxaa kale oo

identified with autism spectrum reported to occur in all racial,

multiple types of autism. There

lagu qabtay barnaamijyo iskugu rasmi ah u xirmay 1-dii bishii

Dadkii nasiibka u yeeshay in ay...

jiray wacyi gelin, muxaadarooyin Jannaayo ee sannadkii 2014,

ka sii akhri bogga 3

disorder (ASD) according to

ethnic, and socioeconomic may be...


see page 10

Masaajidka Daarul-Hijrah

iyo xafladii dib u furitaanka

magaallada Minneapolis ayaa si dib u furitaanka masaajidka.

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Ku Xayeysiiso Wargeyska Tusmo Times Call 612-987-6269 to reserve this spot for next edition

Tusmo Times

Tusmo Times is a monthly publication covering local and international community news, events and information. Tusmo Times is currently published in Minnesota and distributed within the Twin Cities and surrounding suburbs.


Advertising Consultant

Abdirahman Mukhtar

Kaamil Haider & Mohamed Filibin



Abdi Adan “Xiito”, Abdillahi Ganey, Abdikadir Ibrahim, Ali Omar Suldan , Farah Blue, Fartun Ahmed, Ilyas Maow, Ibrahim Hirsi, Hashim Yonis, Mohamed Bare, Mohamed Talyaani, Siyaad Siciid Saalax, Zeinab Ali, Maxamud Maxamed.

420 15th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55454

T. 612-987-6269 E. info@tusmotimes.com E. tusmotimes@gmail.com W. www.tusmotimes.com You can follow us and subscribe at:

Maqaallada lagu soo qoro Tusmo Times waxaa mas’uul ka ah qofka qoray // Any editorials or opinions expressed in this newspaper is not that of the Tusmo Times and it is the responsibility of the author

Vol. 2 Ed. 4 | April 2015

TusmoTimes.com | 3

Wararka Gudaha / Local News

Law group teaches immigrant communities Habeenka Cashadda iyo taageeridda dhallinta Soomaaliyeed how to navigate police interactions ka yimid bogga 1

By: Ibrahim Hirsi, MinnPost Late last week, scores of

traffic violation. They can’t just

immigrants filled the seats of point to the fact that you’re black the dimly lit conference room

Wuxuu kale oo uu macalin

police don’t abuse that.”

Adan ka hadlay

or you look suspect. They need

in the Minneapolis Brian Coyle specific and articulable facts

Center as a group of lawyers

we understand those rights so the Participants NASBA


applauded creating



ay kasoo hooyeen dhinaca ayaa si aad ah loogu xasuustaa sidii uu u taageeri lahaa kooxda,

ciyaareen Muqdisho 1986kii, katirsan kooxda Minnesota


taasi oo uu cayaaryahanku Thunder Plus.

Burhan Mohumed, a longtime

si xarago leh u dhaliyay 2 dii


Minneapolis youth advocate,

dhibcood ee guusha, waxaana ay

ayaa waxaa kale oo lagu soo

said growing up in the Cedar-

habeenkaasi u ahayd ummadda

bandhigay suugaan ay kamid

Riverside neighborhood, he

Soomaaliyeed ee cayaaraha

ahaayeen gabayo, heeso iyo

realized that many people in

jecel habeen farxadeed oo aan waliba majaajilo. Gebagebadii

the community don’t know much

la qiyaasi Karin qiirada dadka xaflada ayaa waxaa shahaado

about their constitutional rights.

ka muuqatay, waxaana ay ahayd s h a r a f





He added: “Our parents and

taariikhda markii ugu horaysay tababaraha kooxda Adan Ugas

elders genuinely believe that a

oo koox soomaaliyeed ay ka “Jay Blue”. Tababare Adan

that, taken together, builds this police officer can do whatever

adkaato kooxda Masar cayaaraha ayaa waxaa looga mahadceliyay

for them to stop you.” it’s easy for an officer to stop

the amendments over time sort

a driver for a simple traffic of protecting the individual,

qaramada. Soomaaliyeed. celiyay waalidiinta Soomaaliyeed yihiin kooxda kubadda cagta,

Advice on police interaction

waxaana si gaar ah loogu mahad


your seatbelt.



celiyay hooyooyinka oo iyagu

educational discussions and

hiil iyo hooba la garabtaagan

legal presentations one common

maamulka iyo macalimiinta

message lingered: Stay alive.

kooxda kubadda cagta. Waxaa

to educate the community about

The “Interacting With The

their constitutional rights and

Police: Learn Your Rights” forum

responsibilities when dealing

also highlighted the complaint

After a long discussion about

sidoo kale goobta xaflada abaal

with authorities.

process with the Minneapolis

whether it’s encouraged to

marin lagu gudoonsiiyay Deeqa

Department of Civil Rights and record an interaction with the

Xassan oo kamid ah garbaha iyo

Amran Farah, a Minneapolis

provided instructions on how

police, Mohamed concluded the

waalidka taageera kooxda. Deeqa

attorney and an NASBA member,

people with a criminal history discussion with one piece of

ayaa sannadkan nasiib u yeelatay

who spoke to a crowd of more can expunge their records.

advice. “General rule of thumb:

in ay ku guulaysato abaal marinta

than 50 people about possible

Message the forum conveys

be polite.”

loogu talagalay waalidka. Deeqa

scenarios of a legal encounter

The Friday forum came





Waxaa xusid mudan in sannadkii dhexda ugu xirtay dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed. Macalin Adan

dhiiraday inuu ku noqdo dalka Ugas ayaa mudo toban sanno

ee ay carruurtoodu kamidka Soomaaliya oo uu gacan ka

event since its launch in January out. You turn right or left without to the immigrant-populated signaling. You’re not wearing

dadaalkiisa dheeraad ah ee uu

Waxaa si wayn loogu mahad hore 2014kii Shiikha, uu ku

brought their second educational violation: Your break lights are protecting the citizen.”

with law enforcement.

tusaale wanaagsana ugu noqon

waliba taageerida dhallinyada iyo xulka Masar ay ku wada lahaa ciyaartoyda iyo carruurta

you look at the constitution

Among the presenters was

cayaartii Xulkeena Soomaaliya

them about their rights and

All that said, Farah explained, and when you can look at all

Cedar-Riverside neighborhood

qoraalkan lagu soo koobi Karin ayaa sidoo kale ka qayb qaata

legal questions and educating

legal rights when it comes to Local leaders of the North

guulaha Shiikha oo aan taariikhdiisa xoogga dalka Maraykana. Cumar


horumarinta, dhiirigelinta iyo

he wants. It’s powerful when

American Somali Bar Association

sare ayuu ku biiraay ciidamada

opportunity to answer their

addressed the crowd about their reasonable inference that it’s OK police interactions.


jiro bulshadda Soomaaliyeed.

ayaa kamid ah hooyooyinka har gaysto horumarinta kubadda

ah tababarayey qaar kamid

ah carruurta Soomaaliyeed ee

a couple of days after a

Minnesota case that said you

iyo habeen hiisha iyo hoodaba

If an officer pulls over a Minneapolis officer was caught

can record, but it’s in your best

la garabtaagan maamulka, oo halkaasi ka soo bixiyay ee mataanaha ah iyo waliba

Koleyga Soomaaliyeed isaga ku dhaqan labadda magaalo

driver, Farah explained to the on camera seeming to threaten to interest to be polite when you’re

macalimiinta iyo waliba kooxda

seminaaro lagu horumarinayo magaalooyinka nawaaxigooda

crowd, that driver is being seized break the leg of a black teenager interacting with the police.”

kubadda cagta.

aqoonta macallimiinta iyo

ah. Dhallinyaro aad u tiro

under the Fourth Amendment. and after a white police officer

From his seat in the audience,

Sidoo kale waxaa abaal marin la

xirfadaha cayaartooyda intuba.

badan oo uu macalin aadan

“It’s a seizure when a police shot and killed an unarmed black Minneapolis Police Department

siiyay halyeey Cabdiqaadir Xaaji

Waxaa shahaado iyo bilad sharaf

garab qabtay, tababarena u ahaa

officer has flashing lights on, man in South Carolina.

Officer Abdiwahab Ali joined

Daahir “Shiikha”. Shiikha oo ah

la gudoonsiiyay Cumar Xaaji oo

mudo dheer ayaa ka qalinjabiyay

and in that way, you feel like

the discussion: “If you give a

halyeey Soomaaliyeed, kubadda

ah wiil aad u da’yar, kana mid

dugsiyadda sare, haddana dhigta

At the event, some side

you’re duty bound to submit to conversations referenced those police officer the distance to do

kolaygana u ciyaari jiray xulka ahaan jiray kooxda kubadda qaar kamid ah kuliyadaha iyo

incidents while discussing the his job, you can record it.” But

qaranka Soomaaliyeed ayaa cagta ee Minnesota Thunder. jaamacadaha ku yaala gobolka

that authority.”

She added: But “you’re not day’s presentations. Abdifatah


the recording shouldn’t distract

waxaa la siiyay abaal marin Wiilkan ayaa ka qalinjabiyay

seized when an officer merely

Mohamed, NASBA member the officer from his or her job,

lagu xusayo guulahii iyo waliba kooxda kubadda cagta, kadib

approaches you in a public place.

and student at William Mitchell he added.

kaalinta qadarinta leh ee uu kaga markii uu dhameeyay dugsiga

If an officer just walks up to you

College of Law, said in an

Mohumed, the youth advocate,

and starts a conversation, you’re

interview later that the event was

explained how each incident

not seized.”

a response to the police violence

relating to a police shooting

across the nation

reminds the youngsters to be

Somali girl in Minnesota gets accepted to all 8 Ivy League universities

At a time when a deep distrust exists between many police departments and many

Mohamed added: “What we cautious about how they talk, wanted to convey was that the

communities of color nationwide, police don’t have complete Farah accentuated that an officer

walk or dress.

powers to behave and do adjust just to walk out of that

cannot legally stop someone whatever they want. At the

interaction alive,” he said.

She said of the officers: “They

Munira Khalif, an 18 year-old

from God. To me this news is United Nations Special Envoy

Somali-American recognized for reflective of the support and for Global Education’s Youth her achievements as an education encouragement of my family, Courage Award. activist, has been accepted my school and my community.”

Munira is also a state speech

And he had a similar message

champion; an ambassador for

this country, we have some

for the young immigrants: “Do

A World At School, which

protections and we have some

what you need to do to walk out


because of the person’s skin end of the day, as citizens of color.

“There are

so many things that I need to

Source: Sahan journal

have to be able to point to any rights — and it’s important that of that situation in one piece.”



education; and is the founder of Lighting the Way, a non-profit

Masaajidka Daarul-Hijrah oo dib loo furay

that helps youth in East Africa access education opportunities

ka yimid bogga 1

and scholarships. She was also wadadada weyn ee Cedar. Daarul-Hijrah ayaa isaguna u

named the 2014 Minnesota state

kasoo qaybgalay salaada Jimce Haddaba is-bedellada cusub ee mahadceliyay dhamaan dadkii

poetry champion, according to

iyo xafladii dib u furitaanka

uu kamidka yahay alaabka cusub ka qayb qaatay dib-u-dhiska iyo

the Pioneer Press report.

masaajidka ayaa aad ugu riyaaqay

ayaa ah kuwo u fududeynaya dib-u-furitaanka masaajidka.

Her outstanding academic

Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan ayaa

record and active participation in

yiri, “waxaan qof walba uga

community activities have made

Haddaba dhamaan dadkii

mahadcelinaynaa, wixii tallo,

into all the eight Ivy League

tusaale ama hiil iyo hooba

universities in the United States. are Harvard University, Brown exemplar of immigrant success. University, Columbia University,

Munira wants to major in

masaajidka iyo maamulkiisa”.

Park Academy in St. Paul, has Cornell University, Dartmouth

political science and continue

Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan ayaa

been also been accepted into

College, the University of working to affect positive change

ku dhiirigeliyay in dhamaan

Stanford, Georgetown and the


qof walba uu ka qayb qaato

University of Minnesota.

ah ee aad la garab istaagteen



Munira, a senior at Mounds

The eight Ivy League schools many use her story as a perfect


in society.

University and Yale University.

“I am humbled to even have


“I was very surprised. The best

This is not the first time Munira

the opportunity to choose amongst these schools because

masaajikda, isaga oo waliba u

part for me was being able to call

has landed such prestigious

m a s a a j i d k a sheegay in qof walba xirfada

family members on the phone

position: last year, she was one they are all incredible places to

Dadkii nasiibka u yeeshay in dadweynaha ku xiran xarunta

uu leeyahay uu ugu faa’iideeyo

and to hear their excitement,”

of nine young nominees chosen learn and grow,” Munira told the

ay la kulmaan dib u furitaanka

bulshadda iyo muslimiinta ku

Munira said according to Kare from a pool of 300 people FOX9.

dib u furitaanka masaajidka.

masaajidka salaadii Jimcena ku


iyo masaajidka Daarul-Hijrah.

Wali Diriye oo ah maamulaha xiran masaajidka.

11. “This was truly a blessing

tukaday masaajidka ayaa Alle

guud ee Xarunta iyo Masaajidka

Haddaba masaajidka Daarul-

uga mahadceliyay.

Daarul-Hijrah ayaa wargeyska

Hijrah ayaa si rasmi ah u

Haddaba maamulka masaajidka Tusmo Times u sheegay in

furan, dhamaan salaadihii iyo

iyo Imamka masaajidka ayaa

dib loo bilaabay dhamaan barnaamijyaddii ka dhici jirayna


barnaamijyadii, wacyi gelintii,


ay wada biloowdeen.

aha ee reer Minnesota ugu cashiraddii iyo muxaadarooyinkii

Haddii aad rabto in aad aragto

bishaareeyay dib u furitaanka sida joogtadda ah uga dhici jiray

is-bedellada iyo sawiradda

iyo dib-u-dhiska Masjidka

masaajidka. Sidoo kale Wali

cusub ee masaajidka, fadlan

Daarul-Hijrah. Masaajidka

ayaa sheegay in barnaamijyadii b o o q o

ayaa is-bedello muuqda lagu

gaarka ahaa ee loogu talagalay

kordhiyay dhismaha masaajidka.

dhallinyarada dib loo bilaabayo, http://icsaweb.org/ ama la



ee uu masaajidku leeyahay

Waxaa is-bedelladaas kamid ah lana dardar gelinayo.

xiriir maamulka masaajidka

albaab cusub oo lagu kordhiyay,

Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan Shariif


ablaabkaas oo ku beegan

oo ah Imaamka Masaajidka


Tusmo Times

Call 612-987-6269 Xayeysiiso Wargeyska to reserve this spot for next edition ad!


across the world to receive the

Bishaaro! Bishaaro! Waxaa loogu bishaareynayaa somalida ku nool gobolkan Minnesota iyo dhamaan gobolada dalkan mareynkanka in idaacadda Sagal Radio aad si toos ah u dhegeysan kartaan maalmaha kala ah

Sabitada 1pm, ila 3pm | Axada 7pm, ila 9pm waxaadna ka dhegeyan kartaa khadka telefoonka oo ah 832-551-5083 ama do downgarey appka sagalradio. Sido kale, internetka websidkeena oo ah www.sagalradio.org. Idaacaddan oo ah idaacaddii ugu horeysey ee af Somali ku hadasha oo laga furay dalkan mareykanka . waxay baahisaa barnaamijyo waxtar u leh jaaliyaddeena sida caafimaadka, wahbarashada, aqbaaraadka ugu danbeeyey ee dalkeena iyo kuwa dibadda, aqoon kororsi iyo barnaamij dood - wadaag oo todabaad walba lagu dodo mowduuc waqtigaa taagan . Hadaba ha moogaan inaad dhegeysato Sagal Radio iyo weliba aad ka qayb qaadato inaad fikradaaada ku baahiso Sagal radio oo gacmo furan idinku soo dhoweynaya. Nagala soo xiriira Teleefoonada kala ah :404-464-8570 | Email: info@sagalradio.org | www.sagalradio.org

Vol. 2 Ed. 4 | April 2015

TusmoTimes.com | 4

Caalamka / World News

Wafdi uu Hoggaaminayo Cabdiraxmaan Saylici oo lagu soo dhaweeyay Minnesota By: Siyad Said Salah, Tusmo Times dadwaynahii kasoo qayb-galay dhibaatadu tahay dowladda FS

siyaasadda arrimaha dibadda.

madaxayne ku xigeenka ku

Somalilan mudane C/raxmaan

Madaxwayne ku xigeenka

jaaliyadda Minnesota ee kala

taageera xisbiyadda Somaliland soo dhaweenta ayaa kala hadlay oo tiri annagaa wax walba wakiil

Wuxuuna xusay in Somaliland

wareejiyay lacag dhan 11,000

C/llaahi Saylici iyo wafti uu

sida uu sheegay guddoomiyaha caqabadaha jira; isagoo xusay in ka ah.

ay wada-hadal;o la gali karto oo doollar oo jaaliyaddu ugu

bishii Jannaayo ee sanadkaan uu ka yimid Somaliland, wuxuuna

Wasiir u dowlaha wasaaradda kaliya dalkii Soomaaliya ee uu waxbarashada


Taliyaanigu gumaystay.

sheegay in saddex qodob ay Axmed Nuur Faahiye oo ka

xisbiga KULMIYE, Maxamed

Ceergaabo; iyadoo horena jaaliyaddu u bixisay lacag ka

muhiim u tahay jiritaanka

mid ahaa wafiga ayaa isaguna

Somaliland. Kuwaasoo ay ugu

ka hadlay arrimo badan sida in

horreyso isku haynta Somaliland

la taageero go’aanadii shirka

munaasabadda ka hadlay dad

iyo wadajirkeeda; waxay u

Jaamacadda Carabta ee kaga

fara badan sida Rebecca Otto

baahan tahay buu yiri in laga

aaddan in meel looga soo wada-

oo ah hanti dhawrka guud ee

adkeeyo intii horena wax lagu

jeesto la dagaalanka kooxaha

gobolka Minnesota, Shiikh Sacad

daro. Isagoo intaas ku daray in ka dagaalamaya dalka Yamen.

hoggaaminayo oo maalmahan

deeqday mashruuca waddada

badan 250,000 oo doollar. Ugu



Mar uu ka hadlay xilli

Muuse oo ka mid ah culummada

loo baahan yahay in lagu dadaalo

Waxuuna kaloo xusay inuu kororsiga la sheegayo, ayuu

magaaladan Minneapolis iyo

sidii Somaliland loo wada yeelan

madaxwaynaha Somaliland


go’aan ku qaatay in la taageero ku darsadaan xilliga ay ka jeclaan

Qodobka lahaad ayuu ku howlgalka Jaamacadda Carabta.

xusay in labo sanadood oo ay sidaan kor ku xusayba xubno ka socday xisbiyadda mucaaradka

lahaayeen shan sano oo dib loo Somaliland.

booqasho ku joogay caasimadda Naasir, wuxuuna intaas ku daray

sheegay dhaqaale dhisidda,

doorto. Doorashaddu hadday

Maraykanka ee Washington ayaa in soo dhaweynta ay ahayd

isagoo xusay in 70% ay dad

Madaxwayne ku xigeenka

qabsoomi waydo June 28-keeda


shalay galinkii danbe soo gaaray

mid Qaran, ayna goobjoog

ku yihiin shaqo la’aan. Tan

Somaliland, C/raxmaan Saylici

2015-ka ma ahan cilad ka timid

Somaliland iyo wasiirka su’aalo

gobolka Minnesota.

ka ahaayeen taageerayaasha

saddexaad ayuu xusay inay

oo isagu khudbad aad u dheer

xukuumadda ee waa mid ka timid mudo aad u dheer qaatay lagu

Kulan soo dhaweyn ah ayaa saddexda xisbi oo halkaas ka tahay tan arrimaha dibadda, jeediyay loogu


hoteelka hadlay.

caalamiga ah ee Ramada,


isagoo yiri waan ka maqannahay Axmed




Prof. Samatar uu sheegay in


waxaa xigeenka

beesha caalamka oo aan kasoo weydiiyay goobta.

horumarka ay xilligan ku bixin waxii laga sugaayay.

I s m a a c i i l arrimaha dibadda, wuxuu kaloo talaabsatay Somaliland, sida

waxaana ka qaybgalay xubnaha Samatar oo goobta kula hadlay


nabadda, waddooyinka iyo

Xubno ka tirsan jaaliyadda Somaliland ee Minnesota ayaa

Kenyan lawmakers against forceful repatriation of Somali refugee Source: Xinhuanet News Kenyan parliamentarians on Wednesday pledged dialogue

of Somali refugees. Ekwe Ethuro, Speaker of

international protocols to ensure great lakes region that discussed month deadline is over.

domestic and international legal

repatriation of Somali refugees terrorism and eruption of new

Officials from the UN Refugees

instruments to facilitate smooth

with the international community Kenyan Senate, said the East does not compromise their safety. conflicts.

Agency early this week urged

relocation of an estimated 350,

to facilitate voluntary repatriation

Kenya to reconsider the decision

000 Somali refugees.

African nation will abide by

“The government has an

The Kenyan government has

obligation to respect international vowed to fast-track repatriation to relocate Somali refugees. They

“The decision to repatriate

commitments as we embark on a of Somali refugees as part of a stressed that Kenya is signatory Somalia refugees is based on the process of repatriating Somalia long-term war against terrorism. to the Geneva Convention that refugees. We have commenced discussions with UN Refugee

Deputy President William

obligates countries to treat we are facing. We need to protect

Ruto said last week Kenya had persons fleeing from war and

Agency to explore the best given a three-month ultimatum persecution with dignity. modality of returning these

to repatriate all Somali refugees

refugees to their homeland,”

in the country’s Dadaab refugee to repatriation of Somali refugees

Ethuro told journalists in Nairobi. camp. He added the government

current national security threats

Kenyan lawmakers are opposed

our territory from infiltration by terrorists but the law must be followed,” Ethuro said. He said that refugee camps

until their security is guaranteed. located in Kenya’s northern

He was speaking during a

will initiate forceful relocation According to Speaker of the

frontiers have been infiltrated

forum for parliamentarians in the

of the refugees once the three Senate, Kenya will abide by

by terrorists.

This massive security wall built by the UN divides Mogadishu in two Source: Sahanjournal A security wall built by the side. Workers inside Halane United Nations separates Halane are prohibited from interacting from the rest of Mogadishu.

with Somalis who live beyond

Halane, a heavily secured the wall. compound, is home to UN

tough,” she said. What does Tareke think of life beyond the wall?

“It feels like no man’s

workers, international diplomats land,”

“Psychologically it can be “breaks trust.”




and the African Union forces in


Somalia, known as AMISOM.

with the UN, said in an AJ+


we don’t know what they are,” split into two as I reached shore.”

And what do Somalis who live the student added. on other side think about Hanale? “Those people in Halane are

“If you are turned away from

Abdiaziz Salad, a fisherman, waters where you want to fish said AMISOM forces turn people

it hurts,” Abdiaziz said. “You

“I’m sure it is really far afraid of us and we are also afraid back if they come near Halane, feel like someone who has been more vibrant than where we are of them,” says a student at Jobeky which is set on the coast of the

restricted from his land.”

staying, which feels more like a University in Mogadishu. “This Indian Ocean. prison in a way,” Tareke said. is because they cannot interact

“There’s a time I had my boat

But millions of Somalis with video, posted below the article. “I don’t like the idea of setting with the community and we know

and the peacekeepers terrorized

no protection, who go about their

She is only permitted to leave

myself apart form the rest of the nothing about them.”

me,” he said. “When I tried to

daily lives, live on the other

Halane in an armored vehicle.

local community” because that

flee, they chased me. My boat

“They know us as Somalis, but

Hay’adda Culumada Soomaaliyeed oo cambaareysay weerarkii Jaamacadda Gaarisa Xigasho: Jowhar in uusan weerarkaas saameyn ku yeelan dadka Soomaliyeed, gaar

caafimaad deg deg ah alle siiyo. 2-Hay’ada


6- Waxaan ugu baaqeynaa madaxda siyaasada , diinta iyo

ahan Qaxootiga Soomaalida ee

caddeynaysaa in ficilkaas ka bulshada ee labada dal in la iska

ku nool Kenya.

soo horjeedo diinta islaamka, kaashado sidii loo xoojin lahaa

Kadib shirka Jaraa’id oo ay ka akhlaaqda muslimiinta iyo nabada loona ilaalin lahaa danta soo qayb galeen Xildhibaano iyo

dhaqanka soo jireenka ah ee

mas’uuliin ka socotay bulshada Soomaalida. qeybaheed kala duwan ayaa

3-Ujeedada ficilkaas waa

waxaa laga soo saaray war- colaad laga dhex abuurayo dadka murtiyeed u qornaa sidan:Hay’adda

wada degan, marka waa in laga

C u l u m a d a digtoonaadaa in dabinkaas lagu

Soomaaliyeed iyadoo gudanaysa dhaco , waana in la xoojiyaa waajib caddeynta xaqa iyo difaaca wada noolaashaha iyo nabada. diinta Iyo danaha ummada waxey

4-ficiladaasi abtiris diimeed

kasoo saartay weerarkii foosha ama dadeed midna malahan, xumaa ee jaamacadda Gaarisa,

cidna uma turayaan, marka waa

Bayaanka hoos ku xusan:

in leyska ilaaliyo ficiltanka iyo


w a x e y siyaasaduhu u sahlayo in ay

uTacsiyadeyneysaa Xukuumada, gabaad helaan . Hay’adda

C u l u m a d a gobolka waqooyi bari Kenya, magaalada Muqdisho ayaa

shacabka Kenya iyo dhamaan

halkaasoo lagu dilay ilaa 148

sheegtay in in dadka geystay

u cambaareysay weerarkii

ruux u badnaa Arday.

weerarkaasi aysan diinta islaamka W e e r a r k a a s


w a x a s h n i m o , dalka Kenya in dhacdooyinkaas

oo ka tarjumeyn, waxaana ay ugu

waxeyna u rajeyneysaa dadka

ay saameyn ku yeelanin qaxootiga

qaaday Jaamacadda Gaarisa ee maanta shir-jaraa’id ku qabatay baaqaday Madaxda Dalka Kenya

dhaawaca ah in dhamaantood

Soomaaliyeed ee Kenya ku sugan

dhowaan Al-Shabaab ay ku


5-Hay’adu waxey u soo

dadkii dhibka ka soo gaaray, jeedineysaa hogaanka Siyaasada

Soomaliyeed ayaa si kulul


Vol. 2 Ed. 4 | April 2015

TusmoTimes.com | 5

Ganacsiga / Business

Tellers, teachers, Somali immigrants take on big banks during St. Paul rally Source: advocate.stpaulunions.org But Wells Fargo employee

“Don’t hate the average

pressure sales pitch at your

Michael Lewis offered this

worker; hate the banks please.”

bank recently? You’re not alone,

plea to frustrated customers

And that’s just what activists

But bank workers like Marquez

have all these disruptions; they February. They cited concerns

according to a report released

yesterday: “The average bank

did during a demonstration

and Lewis weren’t the only ones

actually fall back,” Tharoor remittances might fund terrorism

earlier this month exposing a workers, they want to work with downtown St. Paul, outside

with grievances to air against the

said. “As a member of SPFT,

“new era of predatory lending” you,” he said. “We don’t want to

work and a suit if I can barely make above minimum wage?”

“Academically, the kids don’t

prompted U.S. banks to halt

Been targeted with a high-

just stay where they are if they money transfers to Somalia in

– concerns Sadik Warfa, a

the Wells Fargo building. big banks.

I’m really very proud of the local Somali leader, called

Minnesotans for a Fair Economy

St. Paul Federation of Teachers

stand the union has taken on

organized the rally with the

President Denise Rodriguez

this subject. It’s very forward-

shortsighted and off the mark. “I’m a proud American,

Committee for Better Banks, a called on U.S. Bank and Wells

thinking and really looking out and the thing is if you stop

national organization, backed by

Fargo, which do business with

for our students.”

the Communications Workers of

the St. Paul Public Schools, to

remittances, you are helping the

Said Rodriguez: “This is a

terrorists because they will tell

America and other labor groups, commit to limiting foreclosures problem that adults created and (people) that America hates us,” that seeks to improve working

on families that have school-age

conditions at big banks, which children during the academic raked in more than $100 billion year. “Every time I see the profit Lily Tharoor, a social worker,

sell you products you don’t need.

Meanwhile, representatives

Remittances from Somalis

of Somali immigrant groups

living abroad inject more than

Rodriguez and SPFT member accused Wells Fargo and other $1.2 billion into the country’s

in profits last year.

in the industry.

Sadik said.

that adults can fix.”


big banks of refusing to work

economy annually, more than

losing with community leaders on

foreign aid and investments

report from these banks –


from my bank – I get upset,”

students from their classrooms

bank worker and Better Banks

or school buildings after their support – via “remittances” – to

supporter Diego Marquez said.

families received foreclosure or family members in East Africa.

methods for sending financial combined.

“Why do I have to wear a tie to eviction notices.

New federal regulations

Kenya is stopping remittances of $70 million a month from reaching its Somali community By: Alinoor Moulid Bosh, Quartz In its latest move to counter

ideological war against Somalia-

in markedly different from mos

and terrorist financing. A charge

the terror threat engulfing its

based al-Shabaab Militant group. In a typical Hawala transaction,

that most Hawala companies

country, the Kenyan government

The government has also frozen the sender of the money gives


has banned at least 86 entities the accounts of the 86 entities the cash to the Hawala agent and individuals it accuses of and individuals mentioned in

who electronically notifies the

financing or supporting terror the list, instructing all banks

other agent in the location of the

activities in the country.

recipient, issuing instructions

and financial institutions to

Photo // Farah Abdi Warsameh

The list of banned individuals deny services to those on the list. to release an equivalent sum of and





Its fear is that the informality money deposited to him to the

Mohammed Kuno, the man of these transactions allows

intended recipient.

Kenyan government accused of

for funds to be used to support

According to Al Jazeera:

masterminding the deadly attack

terrorist activities.

The Somali diaspora sends

on a university in Garissa, a The move is likely to cripple

home more than $1.2 billion

northeastern town that lies 200 the local economy of Somalis in annually — a sum larger than

affect every single Somali in

to use formal banking system

km from Somalia border.

Kenya who are engaged in every foreign aid and investments

this country because we are

that are Sharia compliant. Banks

However, the biggest casualty is

sector of the wider economy. It

interconnected and we use

and microfinance institutions

combined. Remittances are a

the Hawala system, an informal is estimated that between $70 crucial component of the Somali

the system to help each other. operating in Kenya were also

money remittance method that million to $100 million a month economy, making up more than Now if few misused it, why given 48 hours to file transaction involves transfer of cash without

is transferred between Somalis, half of the nation’s gross national

not go after them instead of

reports with the Central Bank.

any records of parties involved mainly from those in the United income. An estimated 73 percent crippling our livelihood,” said

The Hawala system is already

in the transactions. The system is

States and Europe to family and of Somali households use the Abdulaziz Sheikh, a resident

facing challenges in the US and

heavily relied on by Somalis in

friends back home in Kenya and cash transfers to pay for food.

of Somali-dominated Eastleigh

UK. The banks that handled

Kenya–both Somali Kenyans and


neighborhood in Nairobi who

the majority of remittances to

refugees from war-torn Somalia.

Many Somalis rely on the Kenya’s Somali community see depends on money sent by Somalia terminated all accounts

Already, some members of

Others affected are bus companies system, which charges a lower malice in the move by the Kenyan

relatives from abroad.

of money transfer companies by

owned by Somalis, local non-

rate than traditional global government and are questioning Some of the Hawalas are early February.

governmental organizations that

money remittances firms like

champion human rights and a

Western Union. In practice the affected.

local cleric who has been waging system, while informal, is not

the manner in which the ban was “The move to ban Hawala will

regulated by Central bank of



These Banks feared that some of

the the services could unwittingly

government has urged citizens

be facilitating money laundering

Xukuumadda Dowladda Soomaaliya oo lacago dul-dhigtay Hoggaamiyeyaal ka Tirsan Al-shabaab Xigasho: Jowhar | Tifatiridii: Cabdiraxman Mukhtar yihiin 11 Sarkaal oo ka tirsan

Maxamed Raage (Sh. Cali

adeegsadaan Soomaalidu, waxana

Al-Shabaab, waxaana golaha

dheere), C/laahi Cabdi (Da’ud

Golaha Wasiiradu ay sheegeen in

wasiiradu ansixiyeen lacago

Suheyb), Maxamed Maxamuud

dalka Kenya uu joogo Wasiirka

lagu abaal marinayo cidii keenta Nuur (Suldan), Cali Maxamed Arrimaha Dibedda Soomaaliya macluumaad ku aadan halka ay Xuseen (Cali Jeesto), Xasan

Mudane C/salam Cumar Hadliye,

ku sugan yihiin hogaamiyeyaasha Maxamed Cali (Afgooye), C/laahi

kaas oo Kenya kala xaajoonaya

sar sare ee ururka Al-shabaab.

arrimaha taagan.

Cismaan (Ismaaciil), Maxamed

Ragga ay dowladda Soomaaliya Cabdi Muuse (Haabiil), Maxamed lacagta ku raadinayso waxaa Maxamuud (Dul-yadeyn Kunno), ku jira hogaamiyaha guud ee

Golaha Wasiirrada Soomaaliya Sharmaarke ayaa diiradda lagu

madaxooda dul-dhigtay lacago




Wasiirada ayaa sheegay in guddi

Yaasiin Cismaan (Kilwa) waxaa loo xil-saaray samatabixinta

Al-shabaab Axmed Diiriye oo abaalmarintan qaadan doona

dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ku

Shabaab dhexdooda looga yaqaan

cid walba oo sheegta meesha ay

dhiban dalka Yaman, iyadoo

Abu Cubayda, kaas oo madaxiisa

joogaan raggan ama suuragalisa Dowladda Soomaaliya ay u

la dul dhigay $250,000.

in gacanta lagu dhigo.

dirtay dalka Yaman Markab ka

Sidoo kale waxaa abaalmarin

Dhanka kale, Golaha Wasiirada

qeyb qaata daad gureynta dadka

lacageed oo gaaraysa $150,000

ayaa ka dooday xayiraada ay

Soomaaliyeed ee doonaya in ay

oo maanta isugu yimid kulan- saaray Amniga guud ee dalka,

hoggaanka ugu sareeyo Kooxda ilaa $100,000 qofkiiba la dul

dowladda Kenya kusoo soo dalkooda dib ugu soo laabtaan si

koodii caadiga ahaa oo uu xaaladaha dadka Soomaaliyeed


rogtay Xisaabaadka Shaqsiyaad ay uga bad-baadaan dagaallada

shir gudoominayey Ra’iisul

ee ku nool dalalka Yaman iyo

Ugu horeyn. Golaha Wasiirada

Wasaare Cumar C/rashiid Cali

Kenya, waxana ay Xukuumaddu ayaa ka dooday liis ay ku qoran

saaray madaxda kale ee Al-

shabaab sida; Mahad Warsame ay ku jiraan dad Soomaaliyeed ka soconaya dalkaas. Qalay (Mahad karate), Cali iyo Xawaaladaha qaar ee ay

Shirka looga hadlay Hiigsiga 2016-ka oo lagu qabtay Minneapolis By: Siyad Said Salah, Tusmo Times Shir ay isugu yamaadeen

sidii loo heli lahaa hannaanka

lahayn isbedelka la sugayo inuu uu socday lagu soo bandhigay hay’adaha dastuuriga ah; sida yeeshay ayaa ka kala yimid;

aqoonyahanno Soomaaliyeed oo

siyaasadeed iyo sharci ee

dalkeenna ka dhaco sannadka

ka kala yimid gobollada dalka

looga gudbi lahaa is-bedelka 2016-ka ee soo socda.”

Maraykanka ayaa shalay ugu soo

siyaasadeed ee qorshaysan in

“Shirka Gurmad waxa looga

dalka uu ka dhaco sannadka dooday baahida loo qabo in 2016-ka.

fikrado guud (Statement of


Principles) oo lagu xusay

dalka (Constitutional Court), ee dalka Mareykanka, magaalada

arrimo ay ka mid yihiin in dadka g u d d i g a


gobollada OHIO iyo Minnesota

d o o r a s h o o y i n k a Toronto ee dalka Canada iyo

Soomaaliyeed iyo hay’adihiisa Qaranka (National Electoral

Hiigsiga 2016-ka gabi ahaanba dawliga ah loo madax-banneeyo C o m m i s s i o n ) ,

Ibraahim Abiikar oo ka mida gacanta loo galiyo ummadda talada iyo go’aanada ku saabsan

gobollo kale oo fara badan.


Waxaana la filayaa in si rasmi

axsaabta badan (Multi-Party

ah go’aanno ay u soo saaraan

qaban-qaabiyaashii shirkan

Soomaliyeed iyo sidii looga

aayahooda siyaasadeed ee

System), dhismaha guddiga

aqoonyahannadan maalmaha soo

oo HOL la hadlay ayaa yiri.

hortagi lahaa in dib loogu laabto

Hiigsiga 2016-ka.”

Qaran ee dib u heshiisiinta socda.

“Maadaama aan nahay dad hannaan la mid ah kii KMG

Sidoo kale, waxaa la sheegay

Soomaaliyeed oo og xaqa uu ahaa iyo saxiixayaasha ee sida

in la ilaaliyo jiritaanka hay’adaha

xirmay magaalada Minneapolis dalku nagu leeyahay hadday tooska ah ay u maamulayeen dastuuriga ah ee dalka oo uu ugu ee gobolka Minnesota. Shirkan


talo iyo waxqabad tahay ayaan shisheeyaha,” ayuu ku daray


Shirka Gurmad waxaa lagu

Commission) iyo in sidoo kale

magacaabay guddi fulin doonta


la dar-dar-geliyo hawlaha ay go’aanadii shirka kasoo baxay,

horreeyo golaha baarlamaanka wadaan hay’ada dib u eegista iyo waxaa sidoo kale loo ballamay

oo laba maalmood socday ayaa go’aansanay inteenna halkan ku hadalkiisa Ibraahim Abiikar.

Somalia iyo in haddii loo hirgalinta dastuurka (Review and in shir labaad la isugu yimaado

loogu magac-daray “Gurmad sugan iyo intii nagu soo biiri

baahdo in wakhtiga loo kordhiyo Implementation Commission) si

Gaba-gabadii waxaa kasoo

muddo dhow si loo xoojiyo

Conference: The Quest for

karta; annagoo isticmaaayna

baxay shirkan ayay HOL wax ka

hay’adaha hadda jiro lagu xiro loo soo dhamaystiro qabyo-tirka codka shacabka Soomaaliyeed

Somali-led processes for 2016

jeebabkeenna inaan isku imaanno

weydiisay Avv. C/waaxid Qalinle

shuruudo adag oo ay ugu horreyso

dastuurka, sida uu Garyaqaan C/ uu ku yeelanayo hannaanka iyo

& beyond).

kana wadahadalno muddo labo isagoo ku jawaabay. “Shirka

in inta aan la gaarin bisha

waaxid Qalinle.

Shirka ayaa ku saabsanaa

cisho ah sidaan talo uga geysan

Gurmad waxaa labadii casho ee Ogoosto 2016-ka la dhamaystiro

Murtida Bisha Xigasho: Buuga Ha Suntin, Mohamed Duale

Hiigsiga 2016-ka.

Aqoonyahannada shirkan

Saddex urur iska ilaali

 Urur aan umadda u dhaxeyenin iska ilaali  Urur eexo loo aasaasay iska ilaali  Urur aqoon gab askumay iska ilaali

Vol. 2 Ed. 4 | April 2015

TusmoTimes.com | 6

Qoyska iyo Dhallinyarada / Family & Youth

Power, Politics and Broken Elevators

MPS Faith-Based & Community Leader Meeting

By: Allison Herrera, TC Daily Planet Politics, dueling agendas and her son, who has been trespassed Sherman was at the meeting but passionate pleas were all part of a from the complex and is living on was not invited to sit on the panel recent meeting at the Brian Coyle


the streets, despite her wanting with city officials to hear resident

Purpose The Office of the Superintendent, along with the Office of Student, Family and Community Engagement (OSFCE), convene a monthly meeting with local faith-based organizations and community leaders to advise and assist Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) in effecting positive change for all students. This close collaboration between the faith-based, community leaders, and MPS is essential to help nurture our schools as we continue to strive for a positive environment where all our students are career and college ready at time of graduation.

community center, where more him to come and live with her. concerns. That runs contrary to Another woman brought pictures what Council Member Warsame of mold that has been growing

said, who said they reached out

in her bathroom. The biggest to Sherman Associates. complaint residents had were

Responding to issues about

about elevators. One woman said

cultural competency, Doleman

the elevator in her building had said that they have a translator than 250 tenants from the Cedar been out for two months. Others

that works on site in the resident

say they regularly have to walk

services office and strive

Riverside Towers showed up to

Goals 1. Build a solid network of faith-based and community leaders partners that align with the district's strategic plan. 2. Create a district-wide systematic process for members of the faith-based, community leaders and school community to become authentic partners. 3. Provide support and referral services for faith-based, community, and school partnerships.

complain about living conditions up the stairs to the 15th, 16th to employ members of the there. Council member Abdi floor. That did not sit well with community. Warsame invited heads of

State Senator Kari Dziedzic, who

“We are an Equal Opportunity

city departments including the

said that the owners received

Employer and we have 65

office of civil rights, health and about seven million dollars in

employees at Riverside Plaza.

safety, regulatory services and

There are 10 different languages

State Senator Kari Dziedzic (DFL), who represents the

state money in 2010/2011.

“If it’s true that elevator has spoken by our staff. been inoperable for two months,

Schedule - Meetings are held the second Friday of each month from          


we have an interpreter and

Cedar Riverside area, to be part that is not acceptable. I will be translation services 24 hours of a listening session where

following up with MN State

a day, 7 days a week, 365

residents of the iconic Cedar Housing Finance Agency,” she days a year. We use the same Riverside towers, complained

said. Dziedzic also said that

translation service that the

about broken elevators, lack of Sherman Associates received Minneapolis Police Department parking, and a lack of respect 29 million dollars in state and

uses,” Doleman said in an email.

and cultural competency on

City Departments Unaware of

federal historic tax credits.

All are welcome! Invite colleagues, clergy and community partners. Questions? For more information, please contact Jocelyn Beard at jocelyn.beard@mpls.k12.mn.us or call 612.516.0901

the part of Sherman Associates “We’re going to make sure it’s Issues City officials in attendance say

and the employees who manage well spent.”

that this is the first time they’ve

the complex. No representative from Sherman Associates, the company who owns the towers were at the table


Totally Transparent Valerie



heard these complaints. Many promised to step up

marketing and communications their game and provide better

alongside city employees. Nor

for Sherman Associates maintains translation

was any representative from

they are totally transparent with residents do call into complain.

the Riverside Plaza Tenants

the money they received. In an



Scott Wellin from the city’s

there and said this was the first

to dealing with tenant complaints

organized by The Riverside Plaza

time hearing these issues.

and other issues that have popped

Tenants Association, or RPTA

up in the apartment complex,

with Warsame slated to speak.

Association. Organizers say email from her office, she said 311 department explained

“This just shows us that we

that the cost of the construction/ the sometimes confusing of

need to do outreach to make sure

it was about gathering the

9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., unless otherwise noted.

September 12, 2014 October 10, 2014 November 14, 2014 December 12, 2014 January 9, 2015 February 13, 2015 March 13, 2015 April 10, 2015 May 8, 2015 June 12, 2015

where almost all of the tenants Warsame is the former head of

community and listening to the renovation was $65 Million

registering a complaint. There

people make complaints to 311,” are Somali and East African.

RPTA and held the meeting in


are currently 265 types of

said manager Mike Rumpy from As previously reported in the

the Cedar Riverside building.

not $132 Million as has been

“This is all about empowering

reported. She encouraged tenants complaints that get routed to city

the residents and hearing their and others to check their website, departments and Somali language concerns,” said Mohamed Mohamed



where documentation of all is also not readily available as an

Bank money spent is published an option when calling.

Daily Planet, residents have He told the overflow crowd he

Representatives from 311 did been protesting against Sherman ay they plan on being present Associates since early January of at future community meetings 2015. It startedwhen Mohamed

will make sure their concerns are heard. While both are claiming to

Velma Korbel of the city’s civil

and that they are fixing their

Noor of The Confederation of

organization helped organize Doleman maintains that residents rights department was cautious

phone tree to make sure different

Somali Community in Minnesota, heart, it’s unclear what progress

the listening session.

languages, including Somali are

authored a letter to George

available to callers.

Sherman outlining complaints he issues at Cedar Riverside Towers.

Community Coalition. His

available for the public to view.

Regulatory services.

concerns are handled in a timely

when asked whether residents

Residents sometimes became manner. Out of 17 elevators, complaints about lack of respect emotional about issues they have she recalls on being down but on the part of the management been experiencing with Sherman

doesn’t know for how long.

Associates. Men and women Overloading is an issue on the spoke passionately in Somali, elevators, but they are working

would be considered a civil rights violation.

was hearing from mostly Somali Jockeying for power

mothers, including broken

You may recall the heated elevators, vehicles getting towed,

“I can’t say straight out if there

House of Representatives race

despite payment of parking fees,

while translators relayed the

on that. Sherman maintains that are civil rights issues. It could

in 2014 between Mohamed Noor

and a feeling that management

information to city officials who

property is inspected several be motivated by a lot of things.

and Phyllis Kahn. If Kahn retires,

doesn’t care about its residents.

were there to listen, document

times a year and that they are

Apathy, lack of resources. There

it will leave a leadership hole

In March, Noor helped organize

complaints and see what, if committed to having someone

are too many things to put our

that both Warsame and Noor are more than fifty women, who took

anything can be done to fix some f

finger on,” said Korbel.

eager to fill. This meeting is one

to the streets of the West Bank

run the elevator at busy times

the problems residents described. during the day and that someone

Representatives from the

of two where council member

demanding their concerns be

Department of Health and

Warsame has sought to flex his


Doleman says that someone from Regulatory Inspections were also

leadership muscle when it comes

It quickly became emotional as be on-call to answer concerns. one woman told the crowd about

Almost immediately, a meeting

have residents best interest at has been made to resolve these

Vol. 2 Ed. 4 | April 2015

TusmoTimes.com | 7

Cayaaraha / Maaweelo / Sports / Entertainment

Kooxda TC oo ku guulaysatay koobka Waqooyiga Ameerika ee Gobolka OHIO Qoray: Siyad Said Salah, Tusmo Times Maalintii Axadda ahayd ee

tartankii 15- aad ee ciyaaraha gobolka Ohio.


bisha April ay ahayd 5, 2015 kubadda cagta ee Indoor Soccer

Koobkan oo ay kas qayb-galeen

ayaa waxaa soo gaba-gaboobay Cup ee magaalada Columbus,

16-kooxood oo isagu jira saddex

ciyaartu ay ku dhammaatay 4-2, isboortiga dalkeenna oo ugu

Ciyaartan oo ku billaabatay oo ay guushu ku raacday kooxdii horreeyo; Dr. Cali Cismaan, weerar iyo weerar celis ay labada TC.

qaybood sida kuwo 13-jirro, kooxood isku qaadayeen labada







Yusuf, C/qaadir Shiikha iyo

15-jirro iyo dhallinyarada kooxood ayaa waxaa daqiiqadii tababare Carab ayaa HOL ugu C/qadir Madaxeey; waxaana waaweyn tartankaan oo soo

lixaad ee ciyaarta u suuro-gashay

warramay guusha ay ka gaareen koobkii kowaad Kooxda TC

billowday Khamiistii bishan kooxda Midnimo inay dhaliyaan ciyaaraha xagaagan; isagoo

guddoonsiiyay Avv. Russell

ay labada ahayd ayaa kusoo

gool, inkastoo laga daba yimid

sheegay inay tababar kusoo

Flickinger oo ka mid ah dadka

dhamaaday sidii loogu talo-galay

waxaana qaybtiid hore ee

jireen illaa bishii Oktoobar suuro-galiyay inay ciyaarahan

Ciyaartii kama dambeysta

ciyaarta ay ku dhammaatay 2-1 ee sannadkii hore, waanan

qabsoomaan 15-kii sano ee lasoo

ahayd waxaa isugu soo baxay

ay ciyaarta ku hoggaaminaysay dadaalnay; waxaana ciyaarnay


koox ka socotay magaalada

kooxda Midnimo.




Qaybtii dambe ee ciyaarta

Minnesota (Twin City Stars) iyo ayaa waxay labada kooxood mid

difaac adag iyo weerar taxadar leh. Ugu



kooxda Midnimo oo iyaduna ka

walba ay isku dayaysay inay ka koobabkii kala duwanaa ee la

socatay isla gobolka Minnesota,

guuleysto tan kale, balse kooxda

bixiyay shalay gellinkii dambe

ciyaartaas oo ku dhamaatay 4-2 TC ayay u suuro-gashay inay guddoonsiinayay ciyaartooyda ay guushu ku raacday kooxda

hesho laba gool oo kale, iyadoo rug-cadayaashii soo maray

Night Basketball Returns to a Safer Mogadishu Source: VOA

the Somali Basketball Federation

every evening to watch teams

just like it’s always played in

said is changing now that the compete instead of wasting time

the other parts of the world. So

country’s security is improving on other irrelevant things,” said our players will not have a hard after gains by African Union and Nur Gedi. “When I come here to

time playing at night when they

Somali forces against al-Shabab watch the games I feel relaxed

leave for tournaments abroad,”


and happy that I didn’t waste my Mohamed said.

“Many challenges facing the time on other things.” country but security is improving

In another sign of changing

Basketball is the most popular attitudes, the women’s basketball

compared to the previous years. sport among university and high

team is also gaining support -

Things are changing and that’s school students in the capital. despite threats. why we organized the events While each of the 16 districts

This basketball court was

to take place at night,” said in Mogadishu has a basketball

named Adan Yabarow Wiish

Hawa Sheikh Ahmed, Deputy court, most of them are in a Stadium in honor of the late Chair of the Somali Basketball dilapidated state. Association.

Somali Olympic committee

Somali Basketball Federation chief, Adan Haji Yabarow - aka

Abdinassir Nur Gedi is a o f f i c i a l



photojournalist, but plays

Mohamed says they are working

basketball for a local Mogadishu

Wiish - who died in a terrorist attack.

to change this and night games

It’s just one more sign that

team. He said sport is the best will attract more support and

Somalia is turning from violent

For the first time in decades, Somalis the ability to even play all the supporters to assure

way to unite people and playing allow young Somalis to be more

anarchy, establishing normalcy

attendees, basketball players and

games at night will allow more competitive in international

and - as the government hopes

young basketball players in the sports. Somali capital, Mogadishu, are

At the Wiish Stadium in officials the game will be secure. people to come to the games after

enjoying better security and Mogadishu, enthusiastic fans

Most of these young Somalis


tournaments. “Its historic for us because 25

playing tournaments at night -

filled the capital’s basketball - born after the collapse of the

attracting more fans.

court to witness a night sporting

government two decades ago

at night. It promotes and witnessed games being played

For years, warlords and

event - the first in two decades.

- have never attended a night

encourages security. Young

at night. Twenty-five years ago

terrorists groups denied young

Before entry, guards frisk

sports event. This is something people - me included - come here

basketball was played at night

- creating a safer, prosperous future for its young people.

“I am very happy we play years ago was the last time we

Heegan FC gains 2nd ceremonial trophy By: Shafi’i Mohyaddin Abokar, CECAFA Media Committee

Somali Police football club, Heegan FC, have celebrated

trophy held for the 32nd

minister for youth and sport to Abdiqani Said Arab said before the huge work they are doing 1960, the Somali National Army,


the sole functioning facility in the



for winning the 2nd solemn national Television (SN TV)

handing over the microphone to to develop football in Somalia.

country, praising the minister’s the minister.

“I congratulate you for

reached a cooperative deal with Somali FA in 2014, when the

trophy in a few days time

which has been a partner with commitment to work with the

when they beat Savana FC by

Somali FA and gave much time federation in terms of football

youth and sport, Mr. Mohamed

trophy” the minister said as he Brigadier General Daher Aden

4-1 in the one-day trophy held

to cover local football activities.

Abdullahi Hassan, first sent

presented the trophy to Heegan Elmi, announced a full package

for the commemoration of the

Somali Football Federation

promotion in the country. “Honorable


The Somali Minister for winning the national Army day country’s Army Chief of Staff,

I his congratulatory message to

FC captain, Jibril Hassan

of sponsorship for the annual

55th anniversary of Somalia’s

president, Abdiqani Said Arab, wholeheartedly invite you to the the Somali National Army and

Mohamed. The minister also General Da’ud Cup, the second

National Army on Sunday.

who delivered a short speech

praised both teams for making

This was the second such

platform to present the trophy to then commended the Somali

at the end of the match, said it the winning team and before that Football Federation officials for

victory for the club who a week was a pleasurable moment for we are all here to listen to your promoting good cooperation with ago won another ceremonial

his federation to welcome the

constructive advice” president

the notational institutions plus

most populous sporting event

high profile exhibition during in the country named after the the game. Formed on 12th of April,

founder of Somali military, General Da’ud Abdulle Hersi.

FIFA expands administration knowledge across Djibouti By: Shafi’i Mohyaddin Abokar, CECAFA Media Committee

course said he was appreciating

The president said he was a separate course for football FIFA president Joseph S Blatter

Djibouti’s activeness in the

very thankful to FIFA for its

administrators—this shows that and his committee members for

organization of successive

continued assistances to help

the federation is fully committed helping the country realize its

football-related courses.

For the second time in two

administrators from division

years, Djiboutian football


“I am very delighted to come

“ Football administrators

to Djibouti once again and do

from division A and Division

another course for the country”

B clubs were trained under

Mr. Malie said adding that

such a course last year and

Djiboutian FA administrators

today administrators from

were very ‘professional’.

Division 3 and regions are being

“There are tangible progresses

taught, so this means football

of administration and other

administration knowledge and

developments in the country

experience are expanded to the

which didn’t exist when I

whole country” the president told

last came here” the instructor

the ceremony before launching


the course on Saturday.

3 clubs and the country’s five

Djiboutian Football Federation

In May, the FDF will organize

administrators are benefiting regions including three women

president, Souleiman Hassan

Djibouti develop its football in to increasing the knowledge of a Futsal coaching course in

from FIFA MA administration

are taking part in the 6-day

Waberi, who addressed at the

all aspects.

course to help the country

course which will run 11-16 opening ceremony, said it was

acquire adequate experience in


football administration. A total of 31 football

FIFA instructor, Jacque Malie

“It was just two weeks ago we

football across the country as I the country, as shown in the promised at a post election press

an honor for him to welcome the held a refereeing development conference just two years ago” FIFA instructor to Djibouti for

(Mauritius) who is conducting the the 3rd time.

course here at the technical centre and today we are opening

the president explained. He said all thanks were due to

federation’s annual work sheet.

Fried coffee, anyone?

(Bun Soomaali) Story by: : Abderazzaq Noor, The Somali Kitchen

Fried coffee? I know what you ancient sounds of sacred chant, person to face the world. are thinking! It sounds weird,

and I get instantly transported to

Sometimes sugar is added to

calanqad. Dancing, drumming,

Fried coffee beans also play

bun and the burning of incense a central role in ceremonies

right? But let me tell you the a state of mental clarity.

the bun to sweeten it. Bun is are used to enhance the senses of women hold to pray for the safe

taste is incredible and Somalis

also often eaten with popcorn

The dhikr group would sit

have some interesting stories that on a mat and the coffee would we associate with the bean. My



grandparents introduced me to

participants. The spirit descends delivery of a pregnant friend. The

or a simple dish of boiled azuki on the host under various names,

oil used to fry the coffee beans

be served floating in oil in a beans known as cambuulo.

sometimes speaking in different

kurbin, a special wooden bowl.

Coffee beans are called bun in

languages. Men and women and hair of the pregnant woman

The kurbin would be passed the Somali language, and buna in

participate in a ceremony called as the women pray and sing for

fried coffee beans at the tender around and we would start with

Oromo and bunna in Amharic,

mingis, but women have their

a deep and appreciative sniff of the two other main languages own ceremony called saar. If the the wonderful aroma, and then

of Ethiopia, the home of coffee.

spirit is vexatious, an exorcism a Cushitic tribe like the Somali,

sessions called dhikr, an Islamic ladle a spoonful of the coffee

Somalis also associate bun

is conducted by the calanqad. also have a fried coffee ceremony.

praise of God. Somehow to this

and then rub the scented oil over

Not all spirits are cast out. Some

The outer skin is snipped off

practices that hint at the ancient become friends of the possessed

the coffee beans and words of blessings are uttered in a ritual

mind the sonorous, repetitive and ritual and was said to prepare the

known as buna-chiru, which

Fried coffee (Bun Soomaali) Author: Abderazzaq Noor Recipe by: Halima Sharif Ingredients 1kg beef mince 1 tablespoon garlic paste 1 teaspoon coriander powder 1 teaspoon cumin powder 1 tablespoon vinegar 1/2 teaspoon paprika powder 1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder Salt to taste (I don’t add salt because I use lemon and tamarind paste) Juice of half a lemon 1 tablespoon tamarind paste Vegetable oil for frying

inherited by the children.

face with some of the coffee flavoured oil!

The Oromo people of Ethiopia,

day, the smell of coffee brings to our faces. This was part of the beliefs of Somalis. Ceremonies person and are sometimes are held by a ritual expert,

Don’t forget to moisturise your

their friend.

was offered during meditation

onto the palm, chew the beans, with rites and spirit possession

guest or for a ceremony.

is applied liberally on the head

age of five. This special dish

form of devotional chanting in

signifies sacrifice to honour a

ingredients 1 cup of whole coffee beans ½ cup vegetable oil 2 – 3 tablespoons of ghee (clarified butter) Instructions Wash and dry the coffee beans with a clean cloth Heat up the oil and once hot quickly fry the coffee beans for about 20 minutes or until brown and fragrant. Add a few tablespoons of ghee and serve the fried coffee beans in a kurbin.

Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total time: 30 minutes Serves: 6 - 8 people

Vol. 2 Ed. 4 | April 2015

TusmoTimes.com | 9

Community Calendar / Shaqooyinka / Employment




Waxaan kaa caawin karnaa buuxinta kaarka cafimaadka Si lacag la’aan ah. Xirfadlayaal soomaali ah ayaa: kuu diyaar ah/ kaaga jawaabaya wixii su’aalo ah/ kula buuxinaya arjiga (application)/ kuu wacaya MNSure

FADLAN WAC XAFIISKA SOMALI HEALTH SOLUTIONS: 1-855-566-7873 Monday-Friday 9 am-5 pm. 1421 Park Ave. suite # 2, Minneapolis MN 55404


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Call 612-987-6269 to reserve this spot for next edition ad!




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SAFA CHILD Care & Learning Center

Safa Child Care & Learning Center // 3701 W Old Shakopee Rd Suite 400 (952) 217-3328 303-6189 Bloomington MN 55431 // Tel. (952) WELCOME SAFA Childcare and Learning Center provides exceptional childcare services. We provide a variety of programs, including, Licensed Childcare, Out of School Care and Emergency care. We provide families with a nurturing, fun, loving space for children to discover their true gifts and talents. Our staffs are beloved teachers with passion and experience and our parents who play and active role in their child’s early education, are ready to help you with your family’s needs. We offer a friendly, educational and nurturing environment and affordable childcare in Bloomington area. SAFA Childcare and Learning Center encourages early learning and the development of social skills through play, creative activities and other noncompetitive exercises. As professional educators, our teachers and staff emphasize the growth of the child as a whole. Age Range: Toddler; Infant; Preschool and School Age.

Vol. 2 Ed. 4 | April 2015

TusmoTimes.com | 10

Caafimaadka / Health

Dhowridda, ilaalinta iyo horumarinta caafimaadka dhammaan reer Minnesota What Causes Autism

for developing autism


All the causes of autism are

occurs before, during, and

• Not play “pretend” games

not yet known. However, there

immediately after birth.

(pretend to “feed” a doll)

is evidence that shows that

• Children born to older

by 18 months

there are likely many causes

parents are at greater risk

• Avoid eye contact and

for multiple types of autism.

for having ASD.

want to be alone

There may be many different

• Have trouble understanding

factors that make a child

Autism continues to be

more likely to have autism,

an important public health

other people’s feelings or talking about their own

including environmental,

concern. Understanding the

biologic and genetic factors.

factors that make a person

• lose skills they once had

Therefore, it is important to

information on autism (ASD),


(for example, stop saying

talk to your child’s doctor as

log on:

• Have delayed speech and

words they were using

soon as possible if you think

Centers for Disease Control

your child has autism or other

and Prevention (CDC): Facts

developmental problems.

about Autism (http://www.cdc.

more likely to develop autism

language skills

• Most scientists agree

will help scientists learn more

• Repeat words or phrases

that genes are one of the

about the causes.

over and over (echolalia)

for autism. However, research

Even if your child has not


• Give unrelated answers to

shows that early intervention

been diagnosed with autism,

Minnesota Department of

risk factors that can make a

There is currently no cure

person more likely to

Signs and Symptoms


treatment services can improve

he or she may be eligible for

Health (MDH): Autism (http://

develop autism

of Autism

• Get upset by minor changes

a child’s development. Early

early intervention treatment

www.health.state.mn.us/ topics/autism/)

• Have obsessive interests

intervention services help

services. In addition, treatment

• Not respond to their name

• Flap their hands, rock their

children from birth to 3 years

for particular symptoms,

University of Minnesota:

a higher risk of also having

by 12 months of age

body, or spin in circles

old (36 months) learn important

such as speech therapy for

Minneapolis Somali Autism


• Not point at objects to

• Have unusual reactions to

skills. Services can include

language delays, often does

Spectrum Disorder Prevalence

• There is some evidence

show interest (point at an

the way things sound,

therapy to help the child

not need to wait for a formal

Project (http://rtc.umn.edu/

that the critical period

airplane flying over) by 14

smell, taste, look, or feel

talk and interact with others.

autism diagnosis. For more


• Children who have a sibling with autism are at

Ma ka welweshaa kharashka tallaallada? Barnaamijka MnVFC ayaa kaa caawin kara Waxa soo saartay: Barnaamijka Tallaalitaanka Waaxda Caafimaadka Minnesota gabadheedu ay muhiim tahay ka

oo weyna ogtahay tallaaladu inay Carruurta ee Minnesota. Ka

12-bilood jira oo ay ku soo food oo kale, waxay la rabtaa waxa ilaalinta cudurrada khatarta ah.

qaali yihiin. Waxay ka welwelsan hel macluumaadka haddii u

Tallaalitaanka ilmahaaga

leedahay ballanteeda baaritaanka ugu wanaagsan ilmaheeda.

tahay inayna gabadheedu awood ilmahaagu heli karo tallaallo

ayaa ka mid ah waxyaabaha ugu

Maria waa hooyo leh ilmo




dhakhtarka. Sida waalid kasta

Waxay ogtahay in tallaallitaanka

Nasiib darro, Maria uma hayso

kahor booqashadaada.

caymis caafimaad gabadheeda, u heli kari weydo tallaallada ay lacag la’aan ama kuwo jaban ah kalgacalka badan ee aad samayn ugu baahan tahay inay caafimaad adiga oo taga bartan internetka: karto. Helitaanka dhamaan ahaato. Markaas, xubin qoyska


tallaalada la iska rabo wuxuu

ka mid ah ayaa u sheegtay


ka ilaalinayaa ilmahaaga iyo

Barnaamijka Tallaalada loogu talagalay Carruurta Minnesota.




bulshada inteeda kale si uusan

xarumaha caafimaadka ee cudurka u faafin. Cudurro caadi

Iyaga oo u mara Barnaamijka u



ayaa ku ahaa Maraykanka ayaa si

Tallaalada loogu talagalay

ka qaybqaata Barnaamijka dhif loo arkaa. Sababtuna waa

Carruurta Minnesota, ayaa

Tallaalada loogu talagalay

carruurta 18 sano jirta iyo kuwa Carruurta Minnesota. Weyddii

tallaalada oo shaqeeeya. Haddii



ka yar ee aan lahayn caymis rugtaada caafimaad haddii ay macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku caafimaad, Medicaid ku jira,

ka qaybqaataan Barnaamijka

saabsan tallaallada iyo cudurrada

Dadka Asalka Ku Ahaa Ameerika

Tallaalada loogu talagalay

ay ka hortagaan, eeg Xaashiyaha

ama Alaaska, ama caymiskoodu C a r r u u r t a


Macluumaadka Tallaalka ee ku

uuna caymin kharashka tallaalka

inuu ilmahaagu ku helo karo

yaal barta internetka ee: www.

ayaa ku heli kara dhammaan

tallaallada lacag la’aan ah. immunize.org/VIS. Waxa lagu

tallaallada lagu talinayo lacag

Waxaa laga yaabaa in qaar ka


mid ah lacagaha dheeriga ah ee


Haddii aad ka welwelsan kale in aad bixiso marka aad tahay kharashka tallaallada,

tallaalada u tagto dhakhtarka.

weyddii rugtaaada caafimaadka Waxaad u wici kartaa rugtaada


arrimaha ku saabsan Barnaamijka

caafimaadka si aad u weyddiiso

Tallaalada loogu talagalay

haddii ay jiraan lacago dheeri ah

heli karaa luqado badan.

Vol. 2 Ed. 4 | April 2015

TusmoTimes.com | 11

Dhaqan / Waxbarashada | Education / Culture

Undergraduate researcher wins award Source: University of Minnesota Medical School News of Pediatrics, was recently

STEM is a joint effort of the the conference features various stable, green fluorescent protein-

recognized at the Emerging

American Association for

workshops and activities to tagged guinea pig CMV. CMV is

Researchers National (ERN)

the Advancement of Science

help students develop the skills a common virus that can lead to

Conference in STEM for her

and the National Science

necessary to be successful in a

numerous health issues, including

research on the development of a

Foundation. The conference

career in research. This year’s

seizures and pneumonia, which is

stable cytomegalovirus (CMV). A serves as an opportunity for

conference took place from

particularly dangerous for people

sophomore majoring in Genetics,

February 19-21 in Washington,

with weak immune systems. She


and her team will be using the

undergraduate and graduate

Cell Biology and Development, students participating in NSF




Ahmed was chosen to present

programs to gain experience in





GFP-tagged CMV for future

her research in the undergraduate

communicating about scientific conference focused on the work

experiments to study hearing loss

biological sciences category. She

research. The goal is to help these she has done with Schleiss in the

due to congenital CMV infection.

was awarded second place for

students better understand how to

her poster presentation, which

prepare for science careers in a and Microbiology Translational

Center for Infectious Diseases


working in the lab of Mark

took place on February 20, 2015.

global workforce. Along with the

Research. Ahmed developed the


Schleiss, MD, Department

The ERN Conference in

presentation of student research,

green virus necessary to create a

Abwaan Hadraawi & Dad la socday oo laga badbaadiyay Dooxa Dacar-budhuq Qoray: Barkhad-Ladiif M. Cumar, HOL Abwaan Maxamed Ibraahim

la socday, ayaa dirqi lagaga

Warsame oo loo yaqaanno

badbaadiyey dooxa Dacar-

“Waxaan moodaynay in biyaha

Hadraawi iyo saddex qof oo

budhuq ee u dhexeeya Hargeysa

socda yar yihiin, sidaas baanu

iyo Berbera.

is nidhi waad dhaafi kartaan,

Afartan qof ayaa waxaa


Dacar Budhuq ayaa gwakhtiyadda


roobku Da’ayaan galaafta dad gaadiidleyda ayaan inta badan

Abwaanku waxa uu sheegay in iyo duunyo badan, waxaanu inta dhagaysan talooyinka la siiyo. gaadhigii ay la socdeen daadku la

Guud ahaaan Somaliland waxa

haseyeeshee biyaha marayay oo tagay, balse iyaga ALLE ayaa ka qaarkood u geeriyoodda dad safar

si rasmiya uga bilaabmay Gu’ga,

badbaadiyay, isla markaana dirqi

ku jira oo u kala socda Hargeysa iyadoo roobabku aad u da’ayaan,

kaga baxeen dooxaas kaddib

iyo Berbera, haseyeeshee inta isla markaana ay Dooxyadda

deegaankaas ku nool, waxaanu

balanka ilaahay hada xabaal


baanu ku jiri lahayn hadii aanu markii gurmad ay ka heleen badan waxa dadkaasi badbaadiya



dadweynihii badbaadiyey ee ilaahay noo soo diri lahayn dadkii ka soo dhex saaray daadka

gaadiidka qaadan karo, balse

badan halis galiyaan mararka

s h a c a b k a xoog badnaa ayaa nala tagay..


celinayaa.”ayuu yidhi Abwaan

na badbaadiyay baan ugu mahad

dadweynaha deegaanka. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dooxan

dadweynaha deegaanka oo aqoon

soo rogamayaan, taasoo inta badan khatar galiya dadweynaha

u leh dooxa iyo wakhtiyadda uu dooxyadaasi u dhow.

Dhowridda, ilaalinta iyo horumarinta caafimaadka dhammaan reer Minnesota

April Waa Bisha La Xuso Autismka Leyskuna Baraarujiyo Barashada Astaamihiisa Baro Astaamaha Autism-ka Dhaqsana u Biloow inaad la Tacaashid Canuggaaga Haddii uu Xanuunka ku Dhoco

Waa Maxay Autism ? Autis m

w aa


saameysa sida uu canugga

isbedel iyo horukac canuggaaga ka hor inta uusan dhalan, waqtiga u keeni kara.

Ma jirto daawo lagu daweeyo

Centers for Disease Control

dhalmada iyo ka dib islamarka

• Canug ay dhib ku tahay inuu muujiyo dareenkiisa ama

autism-ka. Mana jiro dhiig la

and Prevention (CDC): Facts

uu dhasho.

fahmo kan dadka kale.

baaro oo lagu ogaado.

About Autism (http://www.cdc.

dadka u xiriiriyo, ula dhaqmo,

Maxaa Keena Autism-ka

ula ciyaaro ama uu wax u barto.

Lama yaqaano dhamaan

Waxaa kaloo la tuhunsanyahay

Canugga autismka qaba waxba waxyaabaha keena autism-ka.

in khatarka inuu canug qaado

waqtigii uu ku hadli lahaa

muhiim u ah in waalidiinta

kagama duwana muuqaal ahaan Waxaase la dareensanyahay in

autism-ka ay kor u kacdo marka

• Canug ku celceliya hal weedh

oo dhan si feejignaan leh ula Health (MDH): Autism (http://

caruurta kale, Qiyaas ahaan,

waalidiinta iska dhala canug ay

ama jumlad

socdaan koriimada caruurtooda www.health.state.mn.us/topics/

da’ weyn yihiin.

• Canug si qaldan oo is

bartaana calaamadaha lagu garto

ay jiraan waxyaabo badan oo

68dii canugba 1 canug ayaa qaba sababi kara kuwaas oo daciifin autism. Wiilasha ayaa 5 jeer kaga

kara canugga una sahli kara inuu

Autismka wuxuu ka mid yahay

• Canug dib oga dhaca

Sidaas darteed, waxaa aad

gov/ncbddd/autism/facts.html) Minnesota Department of


dhaafsan kaga juwaaba

autism-ka. Sidoo kale, haddii aad

badan gabdhaha. Dadka oo idil qaado autism-ka. Waxaa ka mid cudurada faraha kulul ku haya

su’alaha la weydiiyo.

ka wel welsan tahay canuggaaga Minneapolis Somali Autism

ayuu ku dhici karaa umana kala ah waxyaabo ku sugan degaanka dunida oo dhan. Cilmibaarisyo

• Canug aan xamileynin

kobociisa, la tasho takhtarka. Spectrum Disorder Prevalence

sooco asalka, qoowmiyadda,

ay dadka ku nool yihiin, kuwo ayaa socda oo la rabo in lagu


la xiriira biolojiyada (asaaska ogaado waxyaabaha keeni kara




jirka aadaminga) iyo kuwo la cudurkan.

Autismka wuxuu ilmo walba xiriira isirka (isir raaca ah). Ma

Calaamadaha Lagu Garto

u saameeyaa si ka duwan kan

jirto sabab la ogsoon yahay oo Autism-ka

kale – kala duwanaantaa oo la

dhaqan ahaan ama caqiido ahaan

• Canug jira 12 bilood oo

xiriirta baaxadda iyo culeyska

keenta autism-ka.

haddii magaciisa loogu yeero

dhibaatada cudurka.

• Canug si xad dhaaf ah u daneeya hal shay ama ciyaar. • Canug gacmahiisa isku dhufta (sacab oo kale), is ruxa ama is wareejiya • Canug si aan caadi ahayn

canugga ammin hore daryeelka loo bilaabo (dhalashada ila iyo 36 bil jirka) , taas oo ka caawineysa ilmaha inuu barto xirfado dheraad ah sida hadalka

aan ku soo jaleeceynin

u dareema dhawaaqyada,

iyo dad la dhaqanka. Qasab ma

• Canug 14 bilood jira oo aan

urta, dhadhanka, fiirada iyo

aha inuu canug walba oo hadalka

uu si joogta ah ula socdo koboca ilmaha qaado autism-ka. Haddii

farta wax kufiiqeynin ( marka


ka daaho uu qabo autism. Sidoo

ilmahiisa gaar ahaan sida uu

uu arko dayuurad dushiisa

• Canug lumiya xirfado uu

kale, qasab ma aha inuu ilmaha

uu qoys kaga dhoco autismka

ilmaha u cayaaro, wax u barto, canug, fursadda inuu canug kale


horey u bartay ( Tusaale:

qabo autism si loogu fidiyo

u hadlo iyo sida uu u dhaqmo taas

• Canug 18 bilood jira oo aan

Joojiya erayo uu horey ugu

daryeelka amminka hore. Ta

dhumaleysi ciyaareynin.

dhawaaqi jiray.

Tasho Takhtarka canuggaaga

• Canug aan si toos ah qofka

Muhiimadda ay Leedahay in mar walba.

oo waalidka u bidhaamineysa

kaga dhoco waa ay sareeysaa. Waxaa jira raadad cilmiyeysan

haddii dareen dib u dhac ah





jiro. Ha is dhiganin. Ficil deg deg

xasaasiga ah ee uu canugga

ah oo aad ku dhaqaaqdid ayaa qaadi karo autism-ka ay yihiin

indhaha ula raaceynin jecelna Ammin Hore la Ogaado Cudurka in uu keligiis ciyaaro.


Haddii aad maclumaad dheraad ah u baahantahay :

Tusmo Times

Ku Xayeysiiso Wargeyska

Project (http://rtc.umn.edu/

raaceen inay wanaagsantahay in autism/)

in isirku door ka ciyaaro inuu

Waa xil waalid walba saaran in

Waxay culimada isku raaceen

Waxay culumo badan isku

isbedel yar

University of Minnesota:

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