Effective Use of Active Learning Application. Examples from Seven Countries

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On your birthday! Form a circle. Choose a birthday boy/girl. Taking turns you will each mime what present you want to give them for their birthdays. If the birthday boy/girl does not guess the present he/she will have to give the place to the one who mimed. Computer assisted learning; E-learning (because it is so accessible, it can be use at any level of leaning) has earned an appreciative expansion in Romania in the last 20 years. In Romanian system it is appreciated as a main way of active learning, which allows the educational subject to learn by himself/herself, to look for new courses of information and instruction, which he/she can use to fundament their own progress. According to Romanian researcher Cramariuc (Cramariuc, 2009) the best advantages of E-learning are: • the capacity to produce attractive and individualize contents • delivery meanings • efficient feed-back and evaluation mechanisms Through new technology, we have the possibility to utilize game and simulation in the process of learning – which lead to a faster way of learning, to a bigger retention and increase of motivation and interest. These strategies are rarely used because they are difficult to put in practice in standard classes. The technology of information and communication has an important part also in the care of children with special educational needs, these succeeding, through a simple touch of a button, in the realization of tasks which could not be solved otherwise. According to Tobolcea (Tobolcea & Col.), for the children with special educational needs, the advantages are: - promoting physical access to people with disabilities - the increase of motivation in the process of learning - facilitating collaboration and team work - the assumption of responsibility concerning learning and evaluating - planning and organizing ideas - bettering the quality of assumes knowledge - efficient control over the environment In conclusion, we can say that in the Romanian educational system, efforts are made to introduce the active learning system, by creating a part of the material base necessary for active learning (in every school there is a connection to the Internet, an ITC laboratory, Informatics classes in the school program, didactic materials used in interactive classes, a video projector, TV) - starting with younger classes. Unfortunately what it is missing is a proper training of the professors in order to apply these methods in classes, as well as the valuable learning materials of active learning. What remains to be done to improve the situation is as much as the acknowledgement of those who teach (professors, teachers etc) about the importance of active learning, but as well as training them to better utilize the methods and appropriate means.

References 1.Caluschi M. (2001), Creative group of forming, Iasi, Cantes Printing House 2.Cerghit, I. (1983), “Perfecting lesson in modern school”, E.D.P. Bucharest 3.Cerghit, I. (1997), “Methods of education”, 3rd edition, Bucharest, Didactic and Pedagogical Printing House 4.Constantin, Ana Stoica (1983), “The creativity of students”, Didactic and Pedagogical Printing House 5.Drăguleţ, M. (1974), “Devices of student activisation”, E.D.P. Bucharest


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