Effective Use of Active Learning Application. Examples from Seven Countries

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FINANCING OF GENERAL EDUCATION General education schools are completely or partially financed from the state or the municipality budgets according to the estimates approved by the appropriations manager. Schools can receive non-budgetary means. Those could be the rent of school premises, support or charity extended by physical or legal persons, income from extra-curricular education, courses, events, manufactured production, etc. Non-budgetary means are used according to the procedure set by the Government. Vocational training in state vocational schools is financed from the state budget of the Lithuanian Republic. Non-budgetary means of the vocational school include: 1) income from the Lithuanian and foreign companies, organisations and people for specialist training, performed works and services; 2) income from the rent of the school premises and equipment; 3) income from the paid courses or other training services; 4) donations or charities provided by Lithuanian and foreign people, organisations, funds or private people. Youth schools Jaunimo mokyklos are financed by the founders. Non-budgetary means can be received from the school production activities, paid services provided, rent of the inventory (following the procedures set by the Government) and voluntary payments of legal and physical persons. [1]

FINANCING EDUCATION AT HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL Funds of a public higher educational institution include: state budget appropriations, other state funds, income from research and economic activities and provision of services, funds received from international organisations and foundations, contributions from students and tuition fees to cover the cost of studies and other funds obtained in a legitimate way. As specified in the Law on Higher Education, public higher education institutions may have income from research and economic activities or provision of services, funds received from international and other foundations and organisations or other lawfully obtained funds. A higher education institution is free to choose the types of activities to earn the abovementioned funds. Those funds as well as income received from students' contributions and tuition fees are used to finance special programmes of that public higher education institution. Higher education institutions may use those funds to accomplish objectives and goals laid down in their statutes and they manage, use and dispose of the funds on their own. Faculties of a higher education institution may also undertake financial activities and look for additional sources of funding on their own informing the central administration of a higher education institution of such activities and coordinating them with it. Funds for studies are determined with due regard to various types of study programmes, areas and fields of studies or their groups and mode of studies. [1]

References 1. Organisation of the education system in Lithuania. In European Commission: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/education/eurydice/documents/eurybase/eurybase_full_reports/LT_E N.pdf. 2. Analysis Of Distance Learning Marketing At Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania). In International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications. http://www.iconte.org/FileUpload/ks59689/File/52.pdf. 3. The educational system in Lithuania. In Modern Didactic Center: http://www.sdcentras.lt/credo/res/Lithuania_esystem.pdf. 4. Lithuanian Education System. In Dynamic Online tool for Guidance: http://www.dynot.net/index.php?Itemid=81HYPERLINK


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