Treveccan | Fall 2013

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Youth group reservations open on November 1, 2013. Don’t miss this week of exciting mission experience.

June  23-­27,  2014

Guest speaker—Corey MacPherson, Chaplain at Eastern Nazarene College Worship led by Trevecca’s PR teams

2014 2013-2014

Theatre Season at Trevecca Nazarene University

Alumni, will you VKDUH \RXU H[SHUWLVH with a Trevecca student? The Bridge Program seeks DOXPQL ZKR ZLOO VHUYH DV PHQWRUV WR 7UHYHFFD VWXGHQWV³LQ HPDLOV E\ SKRQH RU LQ IDFH WR IDFH PHHWLQJV³IRU D VSHFLÀF WLPH SHULRG determined by the alumnus and the student. The Bridge Program needs mentors who are willing to • Tutor in one of a variety of subjects or • Advise students who are undecided about a major or • Share professional experiences with students interested in a similar career For more information, FRQWDFW 1LFROH +XEEV in WKH &HQWHU IRU /HDGHUVKLS &DOOLQJ DQG 6HUYLFH³ QKXEEV#WUHYHFFD HGX

Treveccan Fall 2013

2FWREHU DQG 1RYHPEHU ³HONK! The award-winning British musical comedy hit based on ´7KH 8JO\ 'XFNOLQJ¾ )HEUXDU\ DQG ³Doctor Faustus &KULVWRSKHU 0DUORZH¡V OHJHQGDU\ WUDJHG\ 0DUFK ³Hot Ice and Wondrous Strange Snow A weekend of one-act plays $SULO ³Mosaic 1HZ ZRUNV E\ 7UHYHFFD¡V VWXGHQW SOD\ZULJKWV

For tickets, visit the Trevecca Bookstore on campus, call , or purchase tickets at the door. For information on group rates for groups of 10 or more, call LQ DGYDQFH RU FRQWDFW WKH ER[ RIĂ€FH online at WKHDWUH#WUHYHFFD HGX.


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