Heaven Changes Everything

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vi Heaven Changes Everything

little interruptions became life-changers for us as we realized his story was true and that it held huge implications for our lives—and others’. We began to let God teach us through our son. In addition to writing Colton’s story in Heaven Is for Real, we also began sharing our experience with audiences around the country. Along the way, we encountered more “interruptions” of memorable moments and life lessons as people shared their own stories or responded to us with new insights that reinforced what God was teaching us about heaven. We’ve written this book to share those new “interruptions” and insights that came to us either through an idea God sparked in our hearts or through people who shared their own story in response to ours. Put together, these experiences continue to show how heaven changes everything about our life here on earth. We understand now that Colton’s little-boy descriptions of heaven that interrupted our days were actually God’s interruptions of our lives. He nudged us unexpectedly with little moments that made us gasp— and then grasp the truth, again, that heaven is for real. We pray that the thoughts and lessons we share here will interrupt your life with heavenly perspective the way they interrupted ours. Todd and Sonja Burpo April 2012

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5/10/12 10:09 AM

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