Times Leader 3-31

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Girl’s change in attitude about engagement dismays dad’s fiancee Dear Abby: I am in my late 30s and have been dating “Rick” for six years. The problem is his daughter, “Janet.” We used to get along, but now she hates me. She calls me awful names and says she wishes I would go away. I recently asked Rick to marry me. Now Janet says I am “desperate” and she refuses to talk to either of us. I don’t know what to say to her. I’m appalled at her attitude toward me, the language she uses and the things she’s saying about me to her friends on the Internet. She won’t listen to her dad. Her mother is encouraging her behavior and has been threatening me.

DEAR ABBY ADVICE I can’t get Janet to understand that her dad and I love each other, that it’s all right for a woman to ask a man to marry her and it’s not out of “desperation.” Please help. — Not Desperate in Louisiana Dear Not Desperate: Toughen up. Recognize that for all of the joy Rick brings you, Janet is his extremely immature daughter and she’s part of the package. How old is the girl? She appears to have years of growing up to do. You can’t change her behavior, so go on with your life without seeking her approval. Unfortunately, nasty


ex-wives are nothing new. If the ex does anything beyond “threaten” you, file a police report and let them deal with her. Dear Abby: Can common sense be learned or taught? Some people seem to be born with it. Others have “book smarts” but struggle with everyday common sense. I fail to grasp simple connections, and I sometimes ask questions that have obvious answers — for someone else. I know other people who share the same problem, and I admire those who simply seem to “get” what’s happening around them. Is there any way to improve? I’m 38 and married to a man who has strengths in both areas. — Bookworm in Montana


Dear Bookworm: Nobody has everything. Your strength is your intellect. Not everyone is a good student, and it can affect their selfesteem as much or more than your worry about not having common sense. If it’s any comfort, people usually acquire common sense in the school of life. In other words, they learn from the mistakes they make. I’m sure you have done that and will continue to do so. Dear Abby: My 34-year-old daughter blames me for her poor penmanship. When she was a baby, she started grabbing things with her left hand. Her pediatrician advised me to force her to use her right hand. Could she have had better penmanship if she had not been forced to use her

right hand? — Guilty Mom in Madison, Ala. Dear Guilty Mom: Probably. Your pediatrician must have been very old or very “old school.” I am also lefthanded, and when I was a child, educators had stopped forcing children to write in a way that was unnatural for them. I was taught to properly hold a pencil, we practiced printing and cursive penmanship, and I am told my handwriting is beautiful. To receive a collection of Abby’s most memorable — and most frequently requested — poems and essays, send a business-sized, self-addressed envelope, plus check or money order for $3.95 ($4.50 in Canada) to: Dear Abby’s “Keepers,” P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage is included.)



ARIES (March 21-April 19). The omens suggest that it may be just as easy to make a big change as it is to make a small one. So, as long as you are envisioning a change, it may as well be dramatic. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Once you accept the way things are, you have power over the situation. So consider dropping your resistance. Why struggle? Come to terms with the way things are, and you’ll be instantly influential. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Your creativity and intelligence will stretch into new realms. You’ll apply what you learned in one area of life to a completely different subject and have success. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Sometimes the prize goes to the one who deserves it most. Other times the prize goes to the one who thinks to ask for it. Ask for what you want. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A relationship is improving. It may feel like you are coasting along together. Enjoy this mellow, harmonious state. You have an especially easy time getting to know Gemini and Libra people. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You have an excellent eye for what is going right in the world. Share your upbeat observations with anyone who will listen. Your optimism will have far-reaching repercussions. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). If you don’t have a mentor yet, this will be a fine day to find one. Others are receptive to your charm and will find it easy to spot your talent and take note of the rich potential in you.


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HOW TO CONTACT: Dear Abby: PO Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Consider changing the rules of a game or agreeing to different terms in a relationship. It’s also an auspicious time to make new arrangements with a boss, colleague, client or customer. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You will benefit from self-parenting. For instance, you may make a deal with yourself that you can “play” after you’ve finished your “homework.” CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Let your inner confidence show in your style of speaking. If you are too self-effacing, your credibility may be called into question. Talk with certainty, and others will be certain of you, as well. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You will effectively integrate two parts of your life that don’t always fit nicely together — for instance, your work with your family life, or your leisure with your work. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Research an influential person you would like to know. The future holds an encounter. If you say the right thing, this person will not only show you the ropes, but will also pull a few strings. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 31). You’ll be highly motivated, and once you get in motion, you will be determined to succeed one way or another. Through the next three months, your social life will bustle along at a busy, happy clip. In July, you’ll alternate between tranquility and adventure. Capricorn and Aquarius people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 42, 14, 3, 10 and 17.

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