TheOverclocker Issue 25

Page 49

“The core of the game sees you sneaking around a variety of meticulously designed levels in search of whatever objective the game’s narrative decides you should be chasing.”

safes and the like faster than any other character. The Lookout can see any enemy in the level while she’s sneaking. The Cleaner can knock enemies unconscious. The Mole can smash through walls to create new paths through levels. Evading patrolling enemies, guard dogs and even noisy cats that alert foes becomes a bit like Pac-Man with cunning thievery – it starts off fairly simple, with lazy security guards armed with nothing but flashlights slowly patrolling the earlier levels, who can be easily outrun if they spot you. Later, however, things like enemies armed with machine guns, helicopters that highlight your position for pursuing foes and sentry turrets that pop up when alarms are tripped make your job increasingly difficult – especially if you obsess over grabbing all the Issue 25 | 2013 The OverClocker 49

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