Redmond Central Connector

Page 49

the desIgn



The first phase of development is a trail connecting the

The 2016 vision is the build-out of the Connector to the

The ultimate realization of the City’s vision for the Connector,

Bear Creek Trail and Sammamish River Trail through

degree the city can control it, respecting conditions and

East Link Light Rail ties the heart of the City to the broader

downtown, creating the Connector’s first physical

realities as the city now understands them to be. The design

region as part of a new NE 76th Street. Adjacent properties

presence and laying the foundation for the character

includes the space south to NE 76th (as no light rail is yet

have been redeveloped fronting on the corridor with lively

and culture of the trail experience to be developed in the

constructed) and properties along the north edge of the

edges that complete and merge with the Redmond Central

future. This vision reflects estimated scope for a Phase 1

Connector are evolving with many corridor leases and


project that is currently funded.



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