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Target Description Tim is a 26 year old who lives in a suburb of Boston. He went to college out of state, but still represented his home team, annoyingly, everywhere he went. His Grandfather is a Boston fan, his Father is a Boston fan, his Mother is a Boston fan and his brother is a Boston fan. At home he frequents the local bar with his friends to watch the game and drink some beers. He watches ESPN every morning before leaving for work and listens to sports talk radio on the drive in. He has knowledge about every sport, some more then others, but will still enjoy any athletic competition that’s on TV. • 18-35 year old Men • College educated and blue collar • Sports fans, love all sports • Like to go to bars to watch games • Sports events are social events • Purchase favorite team apparel • Loyal to favorite sports teams • Loyal to their home city sports team • Watches some sort of soccer • Kids play soccer • Needs excitement • Wants something to watch on off seasons • Enjoys gambling on sports

Communication Objectives and Deliverables I want the audience to feel and accept the Liverpool team as their own when they arrive. I want people to feel proud that Boston is adopting this great historical and successful soccer team and know that they will fit in perfectly. The audience should enjoy the marketing efforts as entertainment because that’s what they are truly meant to be.

Call to Action and Measurables The call to action is located at the end of every short and on the menu page of the Mobile App. It tells people to go to the Liverpool website, go to Youtube to check out the shorts, share your “Kick the Lingo” scores with people on Facebook and Twitter, and just connect with the event. Success will be measured through App Downloads, Ticket sales, Youtube visits, and Liverpool Red Beer Sales.

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