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THE ANCHOR..iDrEXe·i;e- of Fall. RiYer:~T:bur.s::May 1.",·J 961 '.















.~[filD~T~~·· !L@,MrmC~e$('IC~m,pa:i:g~', 'for Proper::Dre'ss:


\ FORT SMITH (NC) ~ A " Jrtent. He rememberep one time Knights -of ·Columbus offic.. when;\h~, was deni~: admission . '. .• to an elevat()r because he waslal l~. conductmg ~ one-man >'n't, wearing a/ coat, .:'." campaign to induce .~en to .. ;'A,-n,ot.her time I w:,ts,re£~~~d dress properly for Mass.· admission' to a bar: because' I By: MostlRcv. Robert J. Dwyer, ·D.D•.< Leo J. Krebs, Sta~e Master bt 'wasn't wearing a tie,'i' "he' saUl. Bishop of Reno ~he Arkansas Fdurth Degree K. "And there 'Was a timew.hen a " It is just as well that my CouSin Philomene has been of C, said men Should dress for friend and I were in New 'Xork dead these many years. She was a wonderful' woman, • Mass at least as for'mally as and, -were refused adm~ssion to they would for a, dinner engage- a' dining room until waiter quiet and deeply ,pious, but she had 'the vein of irdn and ,there were times when she was warlike. How well I recall' her onslaught on the Fuller Lvena Pax Te Cum Fi. Brush man a somewhat rabSomeone, more imaginative bity character, who thought than exact, concluded that tne to sell her, along with his reading should be: Pax Tecum' wares, a tract attacking the Filumena (Peace be to thee, Virginity of the Mother of God. - Philomena), and that a martyr's :remains had been discovered. . She was ter, There was an ampulla with rible in that the bones, and the symbols .of. hour and for anchor, palm, arrow, and ivy all I know the were discernible. The ampulla poor man may was supposed to have held the be running yet, martyp's blood, and the symbols ,though rather were appropriate for martyr-winded. SO' for "'dam. . the Sake of the Fame Spreads Sacred CongreNot too much was made of - gation of ,Rites, the finding at the .time, and ill which recently was only three years lat~r, in declared offic1805, .that the relics were given: Ially that· there to a devout priest, Canon Fran'is no' St. Philomena, it is best cesco de Lucia, for his church in that she Is in heaven where she Mugnano, in the Diocese of Nola:. may take the news more calm- where they arrived on Aug. 10 of ly. Still, one wonders; that year; the date' thereafter Between St. Philomena and' celebrated as the supposed! my Cousin Philomen2' there was Saint's feast. en admirable understanding. My But soon enough miracles be;., eousin would, do her best, but gan to multiply, many of the~ from that point on it was; up to of undoubted autli1enticity~ and! the Saint, who never failed ber. the fame of St. Philomena beThere were frequent consulta- gan to spread throughout the' tions" for. it is doubtful whether Catholic world. The relics· were' . any decision was arrived at in those of a girl, and pious im-' that household without being agination, . supplying . for the thoroughly rehearsed with. St. missing biography, wove 8 Philomeria. Her statue presided' whole texture for her life and over the kitchen, -which was' its passion. n'erve'-center, and was nev~r Needless to .say;' 'her gr~esfi without its offering of flowers. _client was the simple pastor of Somewhere in her reading my the village of Ars, St.John Vieousin had picked up the phrase" ahney, whoSe devotion to her "'The wonaer worker of the 19th as his patron was ~OJr).pletely in''. "... ' " . eentuiy'.', and' though: the 19th fectious. . century bad departed into fiist;" V@Mfre~U9w , . JIl[istorians 1lJnsa.iisfietll ory long before 'I Itnew her, it ,But alL along. the;hi~torieal w'as repeated With emphasis and purists· were. Jar from., satisfi.~dL -. unc'tion "whenever the Saint was' They pointed out that burials in m'enHoh~·. ' , .'" , the ca,taoombs, especially 'in, the, 'All: .,. Mistake' , '4th' centul'y', wel'eoften haphaz-· Fr~l:l.fl'om,my· bociksat ,the' ard, and' that' the. 'inscriptions' .. / .' . : . 8e!J1inarY . one Sum,mer,... and' were' ,often nothing, more than' brash\.;ls .o.nl,.~ ajiriit.Y~ar the9';" . fragments from' other;,tombs;, pailogian'canhe, I.tooi'l it.uponmY.., gan' as' well.' as; Christian: .. '" . s.~If,.>to 'e~Hghten .my.'·co llsiri: on, .·,'The·"ampul:la. qi:l~te" definitely tlie Facts,of HistoI1i. "But Cous- was not a receptade' for martyr.'s' phllqmene, there'is no st. ·blood,~ .. and;. the .s~bols.·were Philoroena."· I should have common to the interment.o,f alII ltl:u)wIi :b¢tter,' , should' have Christians,- The, re-arrangement guagedthe distention: of, of the wor.ding: was, entirely arnbstrils, the glint 01; fi're hi'the bitrary and unjustified:. . . :', eyes~" ' . ' .'" . So all that could.- be- k;nownl But no, with the sublime oon-', as certain, they 'said, was that fidence - of a little-·learning· I. the' tomb',of, a Christian ,young launched forth' into my disquis-' woman, not necessarily' a mar-' liion. St. ·Philom'en.a was .'all a: tyr, had. been unearthed,. 'Ehe miStake, a weil-intentioned mis- name, was unknown. . take, no doubt, but still intolerWhat of' the miracles of Mug;" able in this age of'scientific' pro- nano? They prove. nothing in the ~ity. .. way of historical certitude. God , I had the facts all'right, there is perfectly free; HE!' hears the Is no gainsaying that. Primly' I prayers of .faith . no matter told her it was only on the 25th through what' intermediary they ofiMay, 1802, while F:ius vn was'· are addressed' to him, and. if He Pope and the shadow of Napo-' chooses to'perform His wonders' leon,. was grow.ing longer,· every· through ,an' historical- error on day over the Eternal 'City, that, our par~, w-e:have' no r'eason' to sOnie, worKmen diggi'hg' in the'· coniplahl.·' '" , ancient catacomb of Priscilla in The Cure ot~r.s was;mistakenl tile Via Salaria; had, unearthed, .about: his little Saint; he is nOt' ·1 a tomb ~ith the. 'inscription: the' less' a' Saiht himself because' . .......,,,.. ,.",. of'that; , . ' . .' ... ( . ~." ,. ,I, '.: .... . SO' I preened' my; sCientific feathers,' and: having said :-dty" , . . . say,' was' visited' .by, the thunders- of Olympus', Bossuet' .', $Uf~II:'RIG§iT denouncing: the sins; of 'Versaines was not. 'more' eloquent, though, at least h~ kept 'to one language, rso~~; , ' where my counsi'n magnificent, t ly mangled French. and English LB' in epic conglomerate. . . '" 'But all' the sam'e' I had hurt : )~ONElE$S"BEEFdVEN ROAST her; and"whim the echoes of her tirade died away there' were teal'S in' her' eyes>" ' r have' th'ought'since' that if .....: ",' ';. .; ,there were no' original st;, Phil~ JUST HEAT AND SERVE: . omena, there ought to be whole multitudes' now in heaven bear':: ing her name:'Certainly, in ever get' tliere, I" shalfnof argue the point witlitny; C;:ousinPhilo','-' . I FRIESH: ...:.: THE PICK OF THE CATCH' " . HONORS: nag .Hammar- inene: skjold; ~;e'cretary Generarof the Bnited N:itibnj!, will, be Bishop Sfun-g:Assembly of Fan the principal-speaker, at the: River, Fourth Begree Knights of University of Not~e Dame's Columbus, will hold a dinner dance: Saturday nig"t~ ni'gbt, May H6th commencement, June' 27! at' Stevenson's:' Restaurant. 4~ and will be awarded a: honOfficers will be elected Wedneg;" orary, doetorate; NG: PhotoL day; June' 19~

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brought wi ,ea~h a white ~ to wea~."·.. . . Suoh inCIdents, Mr. Krebs ~ 1

made him realize "how mticl:l. lack:'of courtesy is given "OU]' ~rd ",in the. Blessed Sacrament' when, we, a/3, Catholics,. atte,nd ~~:r'vices' attired in loud sport shitts:wi\h no coat or tie: Somo even, cOme' dressed to go hunfi. ing or fishing."



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,~ueedl,Cheek, them. _-.)foit,,· :".~Ip'to"~",,t:yo·ur ;f;~tq'foOcl.~;'" ~


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.,I'ousi' .!F'rled; :'Fisill'. S'II'c.s'~'· Had:dodIFillels' .,Sh~uider ."

S'~CSD1g' Asse~.b!y




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