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,THE, A~CHOR':":'DioCese ~(Fall. River:....Thu,s., MOr.-l; 1962- u . . , . ". - -- .. ... -'".,


";'W6rrleh 'Pr6rhateJ


"Sci,fe~ ~ rog ran:-

·Mom's Sickness Means '.Lots· Of $tamps,. 'Large Food B,ill By Mary Tinley Daly HWe see now through a mirror iIi an obscure' manner • ~." ~hat's the way ,it is when the housekeeper' at your :house or at ours is laid up with "the thing." Whether you call it flu, virus, a h~avy cold" or old-fashioned grippe, I k 'th h' h I' ·effects ·. th IIare, the same. Thereawo e WI an ac mg s ou16 e,a -over weakness! the der, glanced at the clock-10:30 eouldn t - ~are - less attItude -pulled the rosary from under that makes it a real pleasure the pillow, made the sign of the to . hear the doctor's' verdict: "Keep her in bed." Whew that makesitofficial. ·Witl.1 ,an aban. donment of all ·r e.s p 0 n s i bility you .can take to bed in ·good conscience and let housekeeping t a k e care of its.elf. With 'time off, you can take it easy: write letters, pay bills, ,catch up on reading . . .' It happened that way at our house recently. ' In Background Like one in the world but not of it, I co.uld hear the al,arm clocks go off one after another, snuggle back amongst the pillows, pull the blankets over my ears and let the morning preparations go on as they jolly well pleased. · There" ~as the smell of- coffee perking, coffee fixed by so'mebody else;' the Sound of frozen juice stirred in a pitcher; the bang of the .refrigerator door as somebody" else fixed lunches: "Do you want ,mustard on your sandwich? Two sandwiches? For heavens sake 'you don't need two, no wonder you're fat!," ': · Then the. whispered coosulta,tion, "Think Mom will' 'want .coffee-or shall we let her sleep? "Let her sleep!" I managed to croak. · One by one, famJly members departed for the day with a "You call us, we won't call you" admonition. Coffeepot plugged in at the 'bedside table, a pitcher of juice, medicines prescribed by the,doc:tor, the morning pape'r and pIeri:. ty of reading matter, I settled down for a day of utter peace and quiet. ' . " : I' could be as miserable a's I liked with nobody to worry about, not an appointment to keep. Even let the telephone ring itself out in a non-conformist burst " that was therapeutic m itself. Let's see... I'd' say' a decade of the rosary, do a little spiritual reading, take a nap, 'then a 'dose of medicine ... Now where did that cobweb come from? Dangling from the ceiling light, it must have been there for da'ys and I'd never noticed. Oh, well ••

cross and started ... the phone rang. Why, it was noon! Good News, "Mrs. Daly, I have good neWs for you! You have been selected as one of a small group of people to receive three free dance lessons!' Now let me tell you." That was quickly squelchedNO MORE PHONES WOULD BE ANSWERED. , Up to take medicine and then the unutterably weariness that sent me back under the covers again. Maybe read a little bit? I glanced at the morning paperwoe in the headlines. Another look at the cobweb. It seemed to be growingly hourly. Make a list of groceries, telephone it to the Head of the House. The hardest assignment of the qay, it sent m,e back, to sleep 'until the family arrived home. '. "Dinner? .No, thank you. Fix y!>ur own and just forget about


BLESSES GRAPES: During the annual Valley of the Moon Festival in Sonoma, Calif., Father Alfred Boeddeker, .O.F.M., of ,St. Boniface C~urch, San Francisco, officiates "at the blessing of· the grapes in front of the old FrancisCan mission. NC Photo. '

Cardinal ·Meyer Approves New 'P'O As at' , f W

, WASHINGTON '(NC) . - . A '$10,000 grant has .been giveR to 'the National Council of Catholic 'Women to continue its efforts in 'the promotion of 'safety by thO Allstate Foundation. ' The check was presented heR to Mrs. Arthur L. Zepf of Toledo, Ohio, NCCW president, by Mrs. .Robert Beaton, director of the women's division of the Allstat3 Safety Department. . Mrs. Beaton said the grant was made to assist the NCCW in its ,efforts to promote safety, a field .in. which the council has worked for years. . During the 1960 NCCW co. . .ven~ion the delegates adopted a ,resolution which stressed the ,moral obligation regarding safe,ty. It .called on affiliated units ,to intensify their efforts in traffic safety and· expand safet.v .programs to include home, farm. ·industrial or occupational fieldlJ and also water safety. Mrs. Zepf said the grant wiD .be, used specifically this year to assist national program chail"" men in implementing suggested safety programs through thei:2' established committees; for the printing of various program helps in this area; and for the continued implementation of the 'NCCW convention resolution.

Lauds Welfare Service Of Private Agencies NEW YORK (NC)-The ex~ utive director of New York Catholic Charities said here the public frequently gets an inc~ plete picture of welfare services because the voluntary ~gencies' role is not adequately reflected. . Msgr. George H. GuilfoyJe told a meting of priest directol'lS for the '1962 Catholic Charities , Fund Appeal that "any descrip:. tion of. welfare seryices in our community with only casual ref_ ' erence to voluntary programs iiJ misleading and even unfair."

much stage-Whispel'ing, banging of pots and pans' S 0 . and finally clattering of dishes, I U S CI Ion 0 omen A spokesman said a college ·they went on their way down-; CHICAGO (NC)-Albert Car~ stairs. No, I didn't want the TV' dinal Meyer, Archbishop of Chi- 'education or training in cine of ·brought upstairs, nor the radio... cago,' has given his approval to the professions involved in social So sleepy day slid into restless a new group of Catholic profes- work, nursing and psychology 'is night, with fantastic dreams. sional women' organized as a required for, membership. 'ApNext dopey day much like its· "pious ·association" under the plication for membership and re:' quests for further information predecessor: no letters written, name of Regina Mundi. no reading done, little real pray- ' The associati'on hopes eventu- should be made to Margaret A. ing. Toward evening, life began .ally to qualify as a full-fledged Galvin, 10210 South Walden Sisters of Charity to take on slightly more interest. secular institute. The status of Parkway, Chicago 43, HL Pillowcase wrapped around, a a "pious association" is a recogPlan Medical Center yardstick, I got rid of that, nized stage in this process. SEA~LE (NC)-A six-mfto. DCCW Members Slate blamed cobweb! I' Members of the new group lion-dollar medical center is From downstairs wafted the: will be drawn from the ranks of Meetirig in Westport planned by the Sisters of Charity most entrancing aroma-sizzling', women engaged in the behavPresidents and ·alterna·tes' of of providence on a site adjacent steak! And Markie;s delighted:' ioral scierices--sociaf work, psy- District One of the Diocesan to their. present Providence Hoscry, "Why, Daddy, look at aH I chology, guidance and' mental,: Cchmcil of' Catholic Women will pital here. ' ... , .' these stamps! I'll bet Rafal and I " health. Sister Gertrude, superior and I meet at 8 Tuesday night, March will have enough to get a lamp!" Take Simple Vows 6, at Our Lady of Grace parish administrator, said the' addition . .Curiosity' and hunge~ .got Regina Mundi, whose spiritual hall, Sanford Road, North West- will include 240 general hospital program will be modeled on that into a housecoat and downstairs of the Dominicans, will aim to port. Units of Fall River,' Som- beds for the acutely ill and a 160-" . to view the embarrassment of foster leadership by Catholic erset, Swansea, Westport, Cen~ unit surgical suite. The present hospital will be riches. women in these fields. Members tral Vi11age and Assonet will be converte'd to a "progressive care That's right, the Head of the will take simple vows of poverty, repr~sented. Reports of Fall spiritual, and unit," she said: With this type of' I House had gone wild again as he chastity and obedience. social activities will be submit- care, the Sisters hope to cut always does when let loose alone The new group plans to estabin a grocery store. There were lish a residence here for mem- ted in preparation for a final hospital bills one-third to onethe usual assortment of fancy bel'S. It is now engaged in re- report to be presented at the half for persons who are not se.-' May convention of the Diocesan riously ill, Sister Gertrude adsauces, meats that' would do jus- cruitment. ded. ·tice to a luxury hotel, tins of Council. 'imported tid-bits and crackers, 'England Revisited' The district will hoW an open smoked oysters, candied ginger, meeting, Tuesday, Mareh 27. 'fresh dates. Much in the way of On Catholic Hour NEW YORK (NC) ..:... The goodies, much in the way of CDA Convention stamps, and much in the way of Catholic Hour radio program CAN SAVE YOU UP TO will broadcast during ,March a CHEVY CHASE (NC)-Plans a grocery bill. 25% Thus we celebrated the ClOok.. series of four programs' entitled for the national convention of "England Revisited" which were' the Catholic Daughters of AmerON YOUR FUEL .BILLS recovery. originally presented' on the tele- ica, to be held July 8 to 12 in Brokston Chem. Co. vised Catholic Hour. Denver, Colo., will be discussed Blast IndiaA Campaign' This was announced here by at Ii C.D.·of A. board meeting in Brockton 19, Man. the Radio-Television Office of Ho~ston, Texas, this week. For Birth Control the National Council of Catholic BANGALORE (NC) - India's Men which produce'd the series ~ Catholic Bishops have again con- in cooperation with the NBC A FAMILY TREAT demned the government's birth network. control program. and have deBAR-B~Q CHICKENS Four great English Catholics ~lli.red they will keep telling the will be discussed by authorities nation why birth control is on their lives a'nd works. The wrong.' ' . , " four are, St. Thomas More, John "Family 'planning, oli which Henry Cardinal Newman, G. K. FARMS unfortunately. our co~ritry has Chesterton and' Msgr. Ronald 146 Washington St., Fairhaven ~ffi<:ial~y. emp.~rked, nee;ds to be Knox. The series was recorded Just off Route 6 Southeastern Massachusetts' c.ombl'tt~c1,", the. stan(jJng comin England. ' WY 7-9336 largest Indep~ndent Chain mittee of the ,Indian' ,Catholic, Watch for Signs Bishops' Conference stated after New York Laywom'an a weeklong meeting. While out for a Drive "The Church, through its 'va- To Get Marillac Medal Stop at. this Delightful' Spot 'We Give Gold Bond Stamps'. EMMITSBURG (NCr Mrs. rious agen<;ies, is educating the _----~--,; public' o~ the moral aspects of Mary Shea Giordano; president ,f \'" this campaign,» the Bishops said. of the Ladies of Charity of th~ New York archdiocese, will receive the St. Louise de Marillac Hyacinth, 0 of , Medal of St. Joseph College here , Members of Hyacinth Circle, in Maryland at a convocation' 0111 New Bedford Daughters of Isa- Saturday, March 10. bella, will receive corporate The college said that Francis at Communion at 9 o'clock Mass Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop Passion Sunday. morning, April of New York, had confirmed the 8 at Holy Name Church. Break- selection of Mrs. Giordano to refast will follow at 10:15 in the ceive the award. The medal is church hall. Mrs. Catherine Le- presented annually to a CathTendre is chairman, aided by olic laywoman approved by the Teresa Beehan. A 45th anniver- hierarchy of her diocese for selfNEW BEDFORD, MASS. 115 WILLIAM ST.. sary banquet for the unit is set sacrificing personal service to for Sunday., May 20. her neighbors.








ON TV:: Romano Guardini" dean of German Catholic' thinkers, will. be the subject of a National Council of CathoHc Men telecast at 3 this Sunday afternoon; Script for the presentation was prepared by Michael Novak, author who recently addressed Fall River Catholic Woman's Club.




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