Tea-time with Testers April 2011 Year 1 Issue III

Page 45

Joe sat still, staring at the statement "The most amazing non-stop machine. Take care." written on a poster containing the picture of heart, which prominently on the wall behind the doctor. Dr. Black, who was used to these reactions, jolted Joe out of the reverie "Mr. Joe, you need to quit smoking and go vegetarian. You are young, the angioplasty procedure has a high success rate and you should be back on to active life quickly." Dr. Black believed in conveying news straight, and expected patients to face reality and act on the problem. "Mr. Joe, you would need to be in the hospital for 3-4 days, do decide on the date quickly. As I mentioned before, it is important that you act on this within a fortnight. It is painless procedure and should be fairly straightforward in your case. Mr. Joe, do you have any questions?" "No doctor, I have none" replied Joe mechanically, his ability to think numbed by the turn of events. As he exited the consulting room, the receptionist, a cheerful and bubbly woman in twenties whispered "Have a good day Mr. Joe" with a beautiful smile, a genuine one. It had the effect, and for a moment he felt cheerful and returned the smile, a little weakly though. As soon as he was outside the hospital, his hand went mechanically to his shirt pocket containing the cigarette packet. "Smoking kills" said the packet loudly and he threw the packet on the wayside. David, his roommate had just woken up as Joe returned to his apartment. "Hi, had breakfast? Got some muffins and bagels, want some?" said David. "No thanks" mumbled Joe. After a few minutes David understood the reason for the strange behavior of his best friend. "Come on man, let us get a second opinion right away". David was one who never lost his cool and his level headed thinking in tough situations was one that helped his friends many a times. At 10:50 they were at ValleyTech hospital for consultation with Dr. James White. He had been referred by David's boss, who had undergone a heart bypass a few months at ValleyTech. At 11:05 Joe was called in. "Good morning Joe. Please sit down. I have read your case sheet and have a few questions. Do you have any recent ECGs? "No doctor" said Joe. "I know your company has a yearly health check plan for all, as our hospital administers it. So have you not taken it this year?" "No doctor, the last few months has been very hectic and I have not had my yearly checkup yet" said Joe. Dr. White was a modern doctor who relied on technology in diagnosis and treatment. A young cardiologist, he believed in seeing the 'internals' before the scalpel touched the body. He was amazed at the advancements in radiology and made it a point to recommend a few pictures to be taken before he touched a patient.


April 2011|45

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