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National Institute of Science and Technology Brasil Plural (IBP) Management committee Esther Jean Langdon (Coordinator) Marnio Teixeira Pinto (Vice-coordinator) Eliana Elisabeth Diehl Deise Lucy Montardo Raquel Wiggers Main researchers Oscar Calavia Sáez, Rafael José de Menezes Bastos; Maria José Reis; Maria Luiza Garnelo; Sérgio Ivan Gil Braga, Sonia W. Maluf; Ilka Boaventura Leite; Sidney A. da Silva; Gilton Mendes dos Santos; Antonella Tassinari; Carmen Rial; Frantomé B. Pacheco; Maria Helena Ortolan Matos; Carmen Susana Tornquist Main research topics Health and Diversity; Traditional Communities; Material and Immaterial Cultural Patrimony; New Social Movements, Identity Revindications; Gender, Sexualities and Citizenship; Violence, Conflict, Public Security, Citizenship and Human Rights; and Education and Cultural Diversity Summary of achievements and perspectives Education and Research: Brazil Plural (IBP) is financing qualitative anthropological research for Master’s and Doctoral students of the participating Institutions, as well as for the professors. The investigations financed address a variety of themes and communities, reflecting the sociocultural diversity of the country and the political complexity of minority groups: popular culture and sexual diversity; lesbian groups and the Feminist Movement; juridical processes of abortion; deafness and language in the interior of the Northeast; Indigenous and traditional communities; ethnic revindications, among others. Extension: Museum event with the participation of Indian communities and a general public, including students at all levels. Handicraft project among Guarani communities for Museum collections. Workshops among Afro-Brazilian communities. Training course for Indian leaders, Central Corridor Amazonia. Consolidation of the research network: Events supported partially or totally by IBP, with members of the participating institutions, as well as researches of national and international importance: Anthropologies in Performance; Health and Food Habits; 1st Seminar of Anthropology – teaching and research in the Amazon. Interchange of professors between the participating Institutions, through lectures, courses and research projects. Financing of foreign investigators visits (France and Portugal) in order to contribute to the network. Future Perspectives: Theses, dissertations and publications of research results; consolidation of the publications of the Graduate Programs; increasing collaboration in research networks; promotion of academic and events for the general public, including the networks of the research

groups and the Museums of IBP; continuation of collaboration with Indian organizations in education. Main publications Revista Ilha, 10(1), número especial em Homenagem a Sílvio Coelho dos Santos com artigos de participantes do Instituto; S. W. Maluf e C. S. Tornquist, Gênero, Saúde e Aflição, com capítulos de participantes do Instituto; L.Garnelo e G.B. Baré, Comidas Tradicionais Indígenas do Alto Rio Negro; C. Rial e S. Guedes, Dossier Anthropology and Sport, Vibrant; O. C. Saez, O canibalismo asteca: releitura e desdobramentos, Mana; V. Z. Cardoso, O Espírito da Performance, Rev.Ilha; A. M. I. Tassinari e C. Cohn, Opening to the Other: Schooling among the Karipuna and Mebengokré-Xikrin of Brazil, Anthropology & Education Quarterly; I. B. Leite, O Projeto Político Quilombola: desafios, conquistas e impasses atuais, Rev. Estudos Feministas; L. Mello, M. P. Grossi e A. P. Uziel, A escola e @s filhos de lésbicas e gays - reflexões sobre conjugalidade e parentalidade no Brasil, Diversidade Sexual; G. Mendes dos Santos e C. M. Dias Junior, Ciência da floresta, Rev. de Antropologia; D. L. Montardo, Através do mbaraka: Música, dança e xamanismo guarani; A. W. B. de Almeida, Tierras Tradicionalmente ocupadas: Tierras de Quilombo, Tierras Indígenas. Contacts Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas Departamento de Antropologia sala 101 Caixa Postal 5178 CEP 88040-970 Florianópolis, SC – Brasil Fone/fax: +55 (48) 3721-9364 e-Mail:

Research among the Deaf in Piauí


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