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National Institute of Science and Technology of Integrated Environmental Risk Assessment Management committee Paulo Hilário Nascimento Saldiva (Coordinator) Thais Mauad (Vice-coordinator) Marisa Dolhnikoff Sandra Farsky Alfesio Braga Ubiratan de Paula Santos Sandra Elisabete Vieira Rossana Francisco Elaine Maria Frade Costa Tânia Tavares Guilherme Franco Netto Claudia Ramos Rhoden Maria de Fátima Andrade Luiz Antonio Rodrigo de Freitas Main researchers Paulo Afonso de André, Alfésio Luís Ferreira Braga, Regiani Carvalho de Oliveira, Mariana Matera Veras, Thais Mauad, Marisa Dolhnikoff, Dolores Helena Rodriguez Ferreira Rivero, Miriam Lemos, Elaine Maria Frade Costa, Wilson Jacob Filho, Claudia Marina Fló, Beatriz Maria Trezza, Nilva Nunes Campina Main research topics • Epidemiological Studies • Biomonitoring • Development • Inflammation • Heart and Lung effects • Carcinogenesis • Endrocrinology • Ageing and Pollution • Education Summary of achievements and perspectives Biomonitoring and exposure characterization: This evaluation are well established at Para, Sao Paulo, Mato Grosso and Bahia with their local global environmental monitoring. For individual exposure monitoring, special devicer were developed and validated for individual use as well as for residence monitoring to evaluate the exposure. A model for simulation of gas and particles concentrations was also developed. Exposure assessment: besides the use of previously established protocols, the NIIERA also developed and started to use a particle concentrator for experimental studies with animals. Clinical and experimental studies of pollution effects: Clinical and experimental studies allowed a better comprehension of both the effects and the mechanisms involved in environmental risk such as the reduction of descriptive short term memory associate with the oxidative stress, direct effect on male and female reproductive health, alterations of lung development with delayed maturation of secular structures.

Educative activities include an environmental education course with “in site” and on-line activities, a course for standardization of statistical analysis for studies on air pollution and health, and other 3 courses. In this period the National Institute also included 22 undergraduated and 20 post-graduate students in research activities and published 33 scientific articles, 7 book chapters and guidelines as well as 8 technical seminars about environmental risk. Main publications • Pre and post-natal exposure to ambient level of air pollution impairs memory of rats: the role of oxidative stress - Zanchi AC et al. • Can LASSBio 596 and dexamethasone treat acute lung and liver inflammation induced by microcystin-LR? - Carvalho GM et al. • Biological effects and dose-response assessment of diesel exhaust particles on in vitro early embryo development in mice - Januário DA et al. • Impact of short-term preconceptional exposure to particulate air pollution on treatment outcome in couples undergoing in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF/ET) - Paulo Marcelo Perin et al. • Acute cardiovascular and inflammatory toxicity induced by inhalation of diesel and biodiesel exhaust particles - Jôse Mára de Brito et al. • The effects of chronic exposure to traffic derived air pollution on the ocular surface. - Novaes P et al. Contacts Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo Departamento de Patologia - Laboratório de Poluição Atmosférica Experimental – LIM05 Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455 1º Andar – sala 1220 São Paulo – SP – Brasil 01246-903 Tel: 0055 (11) 3061-7214; 0055 (11) 3061-8521 E-mail:



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