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Minutes of the April 21, 2005 TARPA Board meeting Philadelphia, PA Board members present: Charlie Wilder, Guy Fortier, Ed Madigan, John Gratz, Bill Kientz, Bob Sherman, Bob Dedman. Absent: Bill Kirschner, Jack Irwin and Rockney Dollarhide. President Wilder called the meeting to order at 0830. President ' s Report: President Wilder reported on the site inspection for the 2006 convention in San Francisco. It was decided that the event would be held at the Hyatt hotel on Fisherman's Wharf. A presentation was then made by a member of the Philadelphia Convention Bureau welcoming us to the city and offering to help in any way possible Secretary/Treasurer's Report Ed Madigan reported that at this time we are in good financial shape with approximately $90,000 in the bank. There are still 304 members who have not paid their 2005 dues. Ed will send group e-mail to the full membership with regard to the upcoming convention in Philadelphia and as a reminder to those who have not yet sent in their 2005 dues. Director ' s Report: Bill Kientz inquired about the support given for the furloughed Pilot's fund. Ed Madigan reported that up to this time $720 has been collected. Bob Sherman reported that he is continuing to work with the TWA senior's coordinator to bring our honorary list of members up to date. Bob Dedman will research the by-laws regarding the provision to award excess money from the Convention fund. Topics Editor: John Gratz bought us up to date on the publishing and mailing of the magazine along with ideas for future issues. New Business: President Wilder appointed a committee, composed of Bill Kientz, Guy Fortier and Bob Dedman to explore possible sites for future conventions.


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