The Brand - Spring 2014 edition

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In the novice class, Kendra Smith from Dripping Springs, Texas placed ÂżUVW LQ SOHDVXUH DQG 0DUDO +RZHOO IURP Trinidad, Colo. placed second in cow horse.

Sorrells from Lubbock, Texas who placed second in pleasure and third in UHLQLQJ DQG &KULVWLQD &KROOHW IURP 5HG 2DN 7H[DV ZKR SODFHG ÂżUVW LQ UHLQLQJ and third in both pleasure and trail.

,Q WKH OLPLWHG QRQ SUR FODVV -XOLD 5REHUWV IURP &ORYLV 1 0 SODFHG ÂżUVW in pleasure and second in reining, Will Wright from Louisburg, Kan. placed ÂżUVW LQ UHLQLQJ DQG WKLUG LQ SOHDVXUH DQG Melchiors placed second in trail.

In the limited non-pro class, Courtney Catlin from Weatherford, Texas placed ÂżUVW LQ WUDLO DQG VHFRQG LQ ERWK UHLQLQJ DQG FRZ KRUVH 3DUPDQ SODFHG ÂżUVW LQ cow horse and third in pleasure and Howell placed second in trail.

In the non-pro class, Luke Abraham IURP &DQDGLDQ 7H[DV SODFHG ÂżUVW LQ FRZ horse, second in trail and third overall, and Hadden placed third in pleasure.

7KH WHDP ÂżQLVKHG WKHLU VHDVRQ E\ travelling to their national competition held by the American Stock Horse $VVRFLDWLRQ $SULO WKURXJK LQ /RYHODQG &ROR ZKHUH WKH\ ÂżQLVKHG VL[WK RYHUDOO DW WKH FROOHJLDWH ÂżQDOV Abraham won the cow horse in the QRQ SUR FODVV DQG 6WHZDUW ÂżQLVKHG ÂżIWK LQ FRZ KRUVH ÂżIWK LQ UHLQLQJ DQG VL[WK overall, also in the non-pro class.

7KH WHDP ÂżQLVKHG WKH UHJXODU VHDVRQ LQ /XEERFN 7H[DV 0DUFK ZLWK 7HDP $ SODFLQJ VHFRQG DQG 7HDP % ÂżQLVKLQJ seventh. Individuals competed well and contributed to the team successes. Individuals in the novice class who placed in the top three were: Hope


Bowl Team competed in Dallas, Texas )HE DQG KHOG LQ FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWK the Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) annual meeting. 0LFKHOOH -RQHV IURP 6SULQJODNH 7H[DV ÂżQLVKHG IRXUWK RYHUDOO DQG &KHOVLH 0LODP IURP %XUOHVRQ 7H[DV ÂżQLVKHG VHFRQG overall. The SAEA Quiz Bowl competition is a unique networking opportunity for students who were randomly assigned to four-member teams consisting of agricultural business and economics students from universities across the southern states. This year was a record year for the 6$($ FRPSHWLWLRQ ZLWK FRQWHVWDQWV UHSUHVHQWLQJ RYHU FROOHJHV DQG universities. Members of the quiz bowl team are: Talia Tomlinson from New Braunfels, Texas; Caleb West from Fort Sumner, 1 0 -RQHV 5\DQ %\UG IURP &DQ\RQ Texas; and Milam.

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5/19/2014 12:56:52 PM

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