The Brand - Spring 2014 edition

Page 5

Student Update

2013-2014 WT Equestrian Team “Marilyn is a great representation of Lady Buff equestrian,� said head coach Amanda Love.

Team classes are separate from individual classes and team riders are chosen by coach Amanda Love. The top three teams and top four riders LQ LQGLYLGXDO FODVVHV TXDOLÂżHG IRU WKH national championship.

6HPL )LQDOV &KDPSLRQV ZHUH 5REHUWV LQ LQGLYLGXDO 25 %UDGOH\ LQ LQGLYLGXDO 1+ %UDQGW LQ WHDP 25 6KXOO LQ WHDP $+ DQG 1HZNLUN LQ WHDP ,+ 5LGHUV who won reserve championships at the Semi-Finals show were Pirtle in team NH and Wells in AH. For the second year in a row at a Semi-Final Championship, :7$08 ZRQ FKDPSLRQ WHDP

The Lady Buffs won their secondconsecutive Western Semi-Finals Championship show qualifying WT for the IHSA National Championships.

2WKHU LQGLYLGXDOV ZKR DOVR TXDOLÂżHG for the national championship were Foster in BH, Lopez in AH, and Bridgman in NH.

“It was such a great experience to be able to represent West Texas A&M at the Sun Circuit,â€? Brandt said. “It was a beautiful day, and I had the opportunity to show two really awesome horses! I KDG WKH KLJK VFRUH RI WKH GD\ LQ WKH ÂżUVW round and it was a fantastic way to start RII P\ ÂżQDO VHPHVWHU KHUH ´

7KH :7$08 (TXHVWULDQ WHDP KRVWHG one of the three Western Semi-Finals &KDPSLRQVKLS VKRZV 0DUFK DQG

5LGLQJ IRU WKH WHDP ZDV 5REHUWV LQ 2+ %UDQGW LQ 25 .LQ]HH 6KXOO IURP Dolores, Colo. in AH, Pirtle in NH, Newkirk in IH, and Fitzgerald in BH.

ARIZONA SUN CIRCUIT SHOOTOUT Brandt competed in the inaugural Arizona Sun Circuit Shootout where she UHDFKHG WKH VHPL ÂżQDO URXQG RI WKH HYHQW Brand 2014.indd 5

%UDQGW DGYDQFHG WKURXJK WKH ÂżUVW URXQG DQG RQ WR WKH VHPL ÂżQDOV +HU ÂżUVW URXQG VFRUH ZRXOG JR RQ WR EH WKH highest score recorded in the event. Brandt then dropped a narrow decision in WKH VHPL ÂżQDOV


4 5/19/2014 12:56:48 PM

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